What to do?


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
I just cant seem to take care of my chamelon.I would sell it or trade it to someone who wants one and knows what there doing but I cant find anyone.It would have to be a local pickup since chamelons are fragial and it woulnt surrivie the trip.I live in MI and if you make an offer , we discuss things I will give you directions.Anyways i would also considerit giving it to a very good pet shop I know(stingers exotics) but I am not sure how that would work.Would I get something for him?Would they just put him up for sale?I was also thinking of getting a snake as a replacement I was looking at the green tree python,Cal. kingsnake,Corn snake,Ball python,normal kingsnake ,Kenyan sand boa,and florida kingsnake.I have owned a milk snake and a ball python.Any advice would be great about the chameleon and the snakes.


Old Timer
Aug 11, 2009
I believe you should be posting this in the classifieds.
I do live in Michigan, but don't think I would be able to take care of a chameleon right now (from what i understand they need a lot of space and special treatment).
Would you include the equipment?
what price are you looking for?

i can ask some of my friends and see if anyone may be interested.


Old Timer
Sep 2, 2009
i dont think you should get any more pets, until you know forsure you can care for it.


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
What kind of chameleon is it? A lot of chameleons have very specific temp and humidity requirements. A chameleon is something you really need to research before buying because they do have higher needs than a lot of other reptiles. The hardiest chameleon is the veiled chameleon and that in itself is still quite a bit of work. Chameleon's eat a lot compared to other reptiles, we had a female veiled who could eat a fuzzy mouse one day and then 6 crickets the next, they're machines when it comes to eating. I agree with jcornish that perhaps you should wait and do some research before you commit yourself to another animal. Those snakes you have listed have pretty basic care requirements, except for the GTP. They also have special humidity and temp requirements and if you can't do it for you cham, then I don't suggest trying to do it with a snake. Chameleon's are a lot of work...what about it do you find difficult to take care of? Perhaps if you have a list of problems, people on here can help you out and you won't have to get rid of it. Instead you can get some experience. Just my two cents.
