I am debating on 2 animals i may possibly get on Fri. I can't get both so I have to choose. Its a baby bearded dragon or a baby (possibly juv.)Leopard Gecko.
It's hard to vote not knowing what you're looking for. Both are great pet lizards. Leopard geckoes are easy to care for and don't need alot of space (a 5 or 10 gallon tank is plenty of room) or special lighting. If space is a consideration and you don't want to spend alot on the set up, leopard geckoes are the way to go.
Bearded dragons get quite a bit bigger than leopard geckoes, and are more active, so they require bigger cages, with full spectrum lights etc. They are also active in the daytime (leos tend to hide), very personable and handlable lizards. So if you want a bigger, more active lizard than the beardie is for you.
I have decided to wait till the spring because a show is coming then and I know it will be cheaper but I am planning on getting some inexpensive ts though
I say get a beardie
We have one and they have so much personality you'd swear
they were human!
If you have the room go for it.
Beardies do get pretty big like Wade said. They can reach up
to 2 feet in size. They grow fast and eat like crazy too.
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