like caco said, HUGE FANGS thats the first thing i said when i saw it... looked like a recluse at first, but changed my mind when i didnt see a violin or the other set of eyes, so i brought it back home with me are they nasty venomous?
nope. pretty hard to get bit, i got a prick when i was looking for worms under some to go fishing. not much of a reaction just a bit like a small mosquito bite in size, if that. they are pretty much pussy cats though, i have never seen one get defensive otehr than that (i think i squished it).
look pretty mean! where abouts are they originally from? i remeber spain from someone but not sure. are there any native ones to north america?
Their bite can cause an itchy, red, and bumpy rash, but they are not considered dangerous.
I'd like to point out that D.crocata is extremely similar to another species in appearance. Could you post a pic of the face/ jaws, so we can ID this for certain? Without seeing the front end better, I can' t be certain based on that pic. Thank you.
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