It definitely looks like a tomato hornworm pupae to me. That would hatch out as a sphinx moth, probably in the spring. If you want to keep it, put it in a critter keeper and be sure it has a stick next to it so it can crawl up on it as the adult emerges. If not, the wings will not dry out properly & it will never be able to fly.
I usually set them on my kitchen windowsill and forget about them until one day I look up and see a beautiful, newly emerged moth. I've never had one fail to emerge and climb up the curtain.
It IS definitely a moth pupa of some sort, and they do overwinter in the ground. Can't say for sure if it is a Sphinx moth pupa though. My experience with sucessfully hatching moth cocoons/pupae has shown that keeping them cold (or cool) is key to their emergence in the Spring. Good luck!
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