Yesterday I saw the strangest looking bug in my yard and ran for the camera right away.
I do apologize for the poor quality, unfortunately it was the only picture I was able to take before it "buzzed" away.
I have never ever seen anything like this in my yard before. It was about 2" long, with a fuzzy/furry looking behind, lots of fuzz on top and an extremely long trunk (??). I don't know what the part is called that bees use to get to the nectar, but this bug's thingy/trunk was about 1" long!
Can anybody tell me what this was? Are they "friendly" or "hostile"?
Thanks in advance.
I do apologize for the poor quality, unfortunately it was the only picture I was able to take before it "buzzed" away.
I have never ever seen anything like this in my yard before. It was about 2" long, with a fuzzy/furry looking behind, lots of fuzz on top and an extremely long trunk (??). I don't know what the part is called that bees use to get to the nectar, but this bug's thingy/trunk was about 1" long!
Can anybody tell me what this was? Are they "friendly" or "hostile"?
Thanks in advance.