i give my OBT (OCT) a PVC pipe for her tunnel and she takes to it. If yours is like mine, you wont see her out on the substrate much, and when she is out, she'll be climbing all over, hardly on the substrate.
Same as Dave, peat
My 2 inch Usambara love to make web lined tunnels
and break through the ground for their food like zombies!
Its crazy, the crickets walk onto a small web patch you'd
think was solid ground and out shoots the T
A real rush to watch
My OBT is about 3" or so, has about 3-4 inches of bed-a-beast, which I use for all my T's, and has about 1/4 of it's 2.5 gallon enclosure webbed from top to bottom with tunnels all around and through the fake plant in that corner. I keep a full water dish for it on the opposite side but never see it come out, even at night. The crickets always just blunder right in to an opening in the "maze" at the bottom and the T never fails to nail 'em and drag them in like something in a horror movie called "DON'T GO IN TO THE BARN!!"
i forgot to add what i use. i used bed-a-beast, but after i had to change the substrate i went with the top soil, just b/c its not such a hassle as the bed-a-beast.
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