Is the 13" the height or the depth? If it is the height I would say that would be ok. I would just think that a mercury vapor bulb wouldnt be the best idea unless it was basking on the floor. If the !3" is the depth I would say that was a bit small unless the dragon was young. An ideal size for an adult BD is 4'X2'X2'. You can usually build a complete setup for cheaper than you can buy one. If you have access to tools that is..
If you use a MVB it needs to be at least 12" away from your BD but not much more than that. If you have a height of 18" you can't build the basking spot that high unless you can raise the light from the top of the cage.
It doesn't really matter what you use as long as the distance to the animal is appropriate. You might want to make sure the light fixture you use is ceramic because MVB's put out a lot of heat.
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