I was always curious about this specie, so I decided to get a few to try them out. My issue is trying to find out exactly what they eat.
My Polyphaga aegyptica show no interest in carrots and roach food (chicken feed, vitamins, etc.) so it appears they are specialized feeders. I've asked some fellow hobbyists, but it appears that none of the hobbyists have any idea what Polyphaga aegyptica eat based on the different responses that I've been given. I been told a range of items to try with nothing exact. Currently, I'm trying dry leaf-litter (sweet gum leaves) and fungus (mushroom), but like the carrots, Polyphaga are showing no interest.
My Polyphaga aegyptica show no interest in carrots and roach food (chicken feed, vitamins, etc.) so it appears they are specialized feeders. I've asked some fellow hobbyists, but it appears that none of the hobbyists have any idea what Polyphaga aegyptica eat based on the different responses that I've been given. I been told a range of items to try with nothing exact. Currently, I'm trying dry leaf-litter (sweet gum leaves) and fungus (mushroom), but like the carrots, Polyphaga are showing no interest.