What could this be?

Garnet Red

May 19, 2021
Recently I found what I took to be a just hatched sling on my wall. I thought it was an odd-looking escapee from my female's hatchlings but now I'm sure it's not. The hatchlings I raised are the size of a pencil eraser and this little one is still just about the size of a dried fruit fly. In fact, I have to look for it carefully to sort it from the fruitflies it's eaten. It is incredibly tiny and went through what I thought would be a molt but it's still about the same size. It eats fruitflies happily so I know it's getting enough to eat but it's still incredibly small... I don't have the equipment to take a picture of something so small so I'm wondering if anyone out there might know what it could be. It has a basic jumping spider shape and behavior and I can only say it appears soft grey with maybe darker markings. This is in Sonoma County, California.

Nicole C G

Jun 23, 2021
Recently I found what I took to be a just hatched sling on my wall. I thought it was an odd-looking escapee from my female's hatchlings but now I'm sure it's not. The hatchlings I raised are the size of a pencil eraser and this little one is still just about the size of a dried fruit fly. In fact, I have to look for it carefully to sort it from the fruitflies it's eaten. It is incredibly tiny and went through what I thought would be a molt but it's still about the same size. It eats fruitflies happily so I know it's getting enough to eat but it's still incredibly small... I don't have the equipment to take a picture of something so small so I'm wondering if anyone out there might know what it could be. It has a basic jumping spider shape and behavior and I can only say it appears soft grey with maybe darker markings. This is in Sonoma County, California.
You didn’t give enough description. So no possible way we could identify


Apr 14, 2020
Recently I found what I took to be a just hatched sling on my wall. I thought it was an odd-looking escapee from my female's hatchlings but now I'm sure it's not. The hatchlings I raised are the size of a pencil eraser and this little one is still just about the size of a dried fruit fly. In fact, I have to look for it carefully to sort it from the fruitflies it's eaten. It is incredibly tiny and went through what I thought would be a molt but it's still about the same size. It eats fruitflies happily so I know it's getting enough to eat but it's still incredibly small... I don't have the equipment to take a picture of something so small so I'm wondering if anyone out there might know what it could be. It has a basic jumping spider shape and behavior and I can only say it appears soft grey with maybe darker markings. This is in Sonoma County, California.
Without a picture there is not way to tell. If you remember clearly what it looked like do a web search until you find something that looks similar.

Garnet Red

May 19, 2021
Thank you for responding. It appears to be about 2mm and is much more active and "skittish" than my jumper slings which are much larger coming out of their egg sacks. I keep this little guy in its own container for safety. I ordered a 30x magnifying glass from amazon and can see more detail. It has a dark carapace with2 white ovals forming a v pointing to its abdomen.. a pale abdomen with darker lines across. It eats fruit flies with no problem but has never molted or changed in size. I guess I was just hoping someone would say, "I KNOW what it is being familiar with california arachnids". I have done google searches with no success but maybe with this new visual information, I will have better luck. Again thank you for your response.

You didn’t give enough description. So no possible way we could identify
Thank you for responding. It appears to be about 2mm and is much more active and "skittish" than my jumper slings which are much larger coming out of their egg sacks. I keep this little guy in its own container for safety. I ordered a 30x magnifying glass from amazon and can see more detail. It has a dark carapace with 2 white ovals forming a v pointing to its abdomen.. a pale abdomen with darker lines across. It eats fruit flies with no problem but has never molted or changed in size. I guess I was just hoping someone would say, "I KNOW what it is being familiar with california arachnids". I have done google searches with no success but maybe with this new visual information, I will have better luck. Again thank you for your response.
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Edan bandoot

Sep 5, 2019
Thank you for responding. It appears to be about 2mm and is much more active and "skittish" than my jumper slings which are much larger coming out of their egg sacks. I keep this little guy in its own container for safety. I ordered a 30x magnifying glass from amazon and can see more detail. It has a dark carapace with2 white ovals forming a v pointing to its abdomen.. a pale abdomen with darker lines across. It eats fruit flies with no problem but has never molted or changed in size. I guess I was just hoping someone would say, "I KNOW what it is being familiar with california arachnids". I have done google searches with no success but maybe with this new visual information, I will have better luck. Again thank you for your response.
There are thousands of arachnida in California, you don't own any device capable of taking a picture?


Apr 14, 2020
Thank you for responding. It appears to be about 2mm and is much more active and "skittish" than my jumper slings which are much larger coming out of their egg sacks. I keep this little guy in its own container for safety. I ordered a 30x magnifying glass from amazon and can see more detail. It has a dark carapace with2 white ovals forming a v pointing to its abdomen.. a pale abdomen with darker lines across. It eats fruit flies with no problem but has never molted or changed in size. I guess I was just hoping someone would say, "I KNOW what it is being familiar with california arachnids". I have done google searches with no success but maybe with this new visual information, I will have better luck. Again thank you for your response.
thank you for the description but again it is almost impossible for me to help with out a picture, all I can take from this is that it looks to be a immature or sling. What color is his carapace? what color is his abdomen? what color are the lines across it, I am familiar with california arachnids but Its hard to say without a picture, if you can get a picture that would be great.

Garnet Red

May 19, 2021
The carapace is dark/grayish with 2 white ovals coming together in the center pointing towards the back. The abdomen is light bluish gray with dark lines crossing it. Legs appear to be the same bluish-gray. Still eating fruit flies but no change in size. I figured out it is approx 2 mm. It seems happy enough inno worries. a small container so I will just keep feeding it and see what happens. I did notice my most recent bunch of slings had a lighter grayish one in there. They are usually tiny black ones. If anything changes I'll let post it.