Went to buy a $5 tub of crickets last night and ended up leaving with a ball python


Old Timer
Oct 29, 2007
Since I already had one of each type of T they sell{D Damn my impulsiveness in pet shops:wall: But the price I got it for there was no way I was gonna pass it up. I'm just wondering is this bulb OK to use for the light cycle until I get something more proper??? I got this beast late last night and have to go to work this morning so I'm gonna start working on his/her:confused: permanent enclosure when I get home.


Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Let me get this straight... you bought a reptile you're not sure how to take care of, while it's in shed, and you have no permanent enclosure for it?

Might I gently suggest next time just waiting until you can care for the animal properly before buying it?

As to your question, the "light cycle" is not a huge concern... snakes need a heat gradient and access to fresh water far more than they need a "light cycle". Is it being given a heat gradient?


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2006
to add to this ball pythons dont actually need a light cycle, but it couldnt hurt. 9 times out of 10 with the lights on he/she will be in its hide. ive heard/read that a lot of wild ball pythons live in termite mounds and old rodent burrows and spent a great deal of time in them. i believe ball pythons are nocturnal as well.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Yeah, they are nocturnal and don't need special lights. PLUS heat lights have a nasty tendency to dry out the air, and ball pythons do not do well without humidity. Definitely invest in an undertank heating pad!

What it does need, as was said, is heat and water. Even a day without a proper temperature range in the tank (88-90F on one end, 80 on the other) can result in some nasty illness. While BPs are pretty tough snakes if kept properly...improper husbandry will very quickly mess them up, they aren't as forgiving of that as say corn snakes or something.

I hope you didn't buy a wild-caught animal, which is what most pet shops are selling. If so, you're very likely in for a nightmare of parasites and refusal to eat, wild-caught BPs are infamously problematic. I'd, er, get that snake vet-checked ASAP. :)


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
I agree, have a stool sample checked for parasites and be careful since its very obviously in blue, it will shed soon and you need to make sure that the shed is a compete one, no retained eye caps.
I'm going to be a bit more gentle than Mr. I, but he does have a point. I did the same thing as you in a slightly different manner, I too, fell in love with my own BP when going in to pick up crickets. There was a couple there shopping for a BP and so they were handling some, I got near, got handed a snake, and fell in love. I put a down payment on him, and came home to learn about him. I picked him up two weeks later after getting his house, heat pad, water dish, and hides. I also had the store show me how to feed him.
Go to ball python.com, they are great, have tons of info and can help.
You did do this impulsively now you need to follow up well, for the sake of the snake.


Old Timer
Dec 10, 2007
Yeah, they are nocturnal and don't need special lights. PLUS heat lights have a nasty tendency to dry out the air, and ball pythons do not do well without humidity. Definitely invest in an undertank heating pad!

What it does need, as was said, is heat and water. Even a day without a proper temperature range in the tank (88-90F on one end, 80 on the other) can result in some nasty illness. While BPs are pretty tough snakes if kept properly...improper husbandry will very quickly mess them up, they aren't as forgiving of that as say corn snakes or something.

I hope you didn't buy a wild-caught animal, which is what most pet shops are selling. If so, you're very likely in for a nightmare of parasites and refusal to eat, wild-caught BPs are infamously problematic. I'd, er, get that snake vet-checked ASAP. :)
Would a 16W Heat Mat be all I need for a heating source for a ball python?


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2006
best of luck and if shed is not complet mist with tepid water, it helped my old cornsnakes through some sheds


Old Timer
Oct 29, 2007
Let me get this straight... you bought a reptile you're not sure how to take care of, while it's in shed, and you have no permanent enclosure for it?

Might I gently suggest next time just waiting until you can care for the animal properly before buying it?

As to your question, the "light cycle" is not a huge concern... snakes need a heat gradient and access to fresh water far more than they need a "light cycle". Is it being given a heat gradient?
I do have a proper enclosure, I just need to set it up & also didn't think I'd be coming home with a snake last night.
I have owned a few snakes before so I know about their general care and read the basics of BP care I just have to take everything I do know and twist it around to suit this species. Maybe yesterday wasn't the right time to buy it but at that price it wasn't going to be there long.
Heres what I have for it, just have to get everything setup. I was going to divide this tank into 4 sections for more T's but now its for the snake.
Gotta find something else to do with the all those T tanks now:?

(Side note: Thanks to whoever posted the links to the care sheets. Thats not the one I read last night so I'm gonna check those out too)


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Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Mr. Internet instead of dissing people you should try to help out. :mad:
Mr. I had a very good (if harsh) point AND was helpful on the matter of light and heat and water. Maybe instead of dissing him, YOU should try to help out. ;P

Harley, best of luck with the snake, and keep us updated.

EDIT: I had to go get my glasses...is that a rainforest model heat mat? Hopefully it will get warm enough - I use the desert, and I think the rainforest puts out less heat. You'll know for sure after running it a couple hours, anyway.


Old Timer
Oct 29, 2007
Mr. Internet instead of dissing people you should try to help out. :mad:
I honestly don't really think he was dissing anyone. Or I didn't take it that way anyway. I think he has a valid point and is looking out for the best interest of the snake. Maybe I did buy it before I should have but again it's the price they had it at that made that decision for me.
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Old Timer
Oct 29, 2007
Mr. I had a very good (if harsh) point AND was helpful on the matter of light and heat and water. Maybe instead of dissing him, YOU should try to help out. ;P

Harley, best of luck with the snake, and keep us updated.

EDIT: I had to go get my glasses...is that a rainforest model heat mat? Hopefully it will get warm enough - I use the desert, and I think the rainforest puts out less heat. You'll know for sure after running it a couple hours, anyway.
I left it on for a few days & it didn't feel warm. Exchanged it for another and same thing or should I say nothing. The 4 watt are mats are pieces of junk. It was originally for my first T until I was told about "cooked/crispy T's". The heat mats been sitting collecting dust ever since.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2007
EDIT: I had to go get my glasses...is that a rainforest model heat mat? Hopefully it will get warm enough - I use the desert, and I think the rainforest puts out less heat. You'll know for sure after running it a couple hours, anyway.
You can also use flexwatt which is a cheaper/more efficient way of heating than "heating mats" specifically designed for reptiles that are overpriced.

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Mr. Internet instead of dissing people you should try to help out. :mad:

Look at my contribution to this thread, and yours, and ask yourself who truly helped and who just made themselves feel better.

If that's your idea of a "dissing", I fear you have a long life of anger and victimhood to look forward to... try to lighten up a bit, it will do you good. He realizes the spirit in which it was intended... I'm not the world's most sensitive person, but I'm rarely intentionally cruel.

I honestly don't really think he was dissing anyone. Or I didn't take it that way anyway. I think he has a valid point and is looking out for the best interest of the snake. Maybe I did buy it before I should have but again it's the price they had it at that made that decision for me.
It sounds like you're doing everything you can for it now, that's the important thing... after almost 25 years of being "that guy who keeps all the weird pets" and having people feel like they can dump stuff on me and I'm supposed to treat it like a Christmas present, buying animals with the thought that "they can just take it back to the pet store if it doesn't work out", etc etc... I just get a little edgy if I feel people might be treating animals like this with impulse rather than deliberation. If you've had other snakes, you're well on your way...


Old Timer
Oct 29, 2007

My python shed it skin overnight at some point. Its eyes are both now black, the shed is in one piece. Also fed it a thawed mouse on Sunday and it has not spit it back up. This must mean its decently happy/healthy.
Now that it has shed I can start working on the interior of the tank. I just got a whackload of artificial plants from the dollar store. Still need to find a nice big piece of driftwood though. I'm also thinking of putting an exoterra large size waterfall in there too http://www.exo-terra.com/en/products/waterfall.php



Old Timer
Oct 29, 2007
Oh I forgot to say...surprise surprise, just like my T's the snake shed while I was sleeping & I missed it:mad: Not a big deal because I have seen snakes shed before....just not any of the ones I have owned.


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
just wondoer what kinda bedding your using? I would stick with newspaper.