I have a large plastic tub set up with lots of female crickets in it for laying eggs. Today I noticed these balls in there with them. No idea what it is.
If you are using scotts soil products those things are probably Osmocote®. They are just slow released fertilizers. No clue as to weather they are harmful to the crickets though.
I don't think these are the slow release granules from the Osmocote brand plant food, I think they are the water balls they put in most bagged potting soils. If you crush those there will prob be only water inside. I don't know if they add anything to the water and it's a reason I choose not to use potting soil. It prob is only water though, I just don't want to use P soil.
I wouldn't use that substrate for any of my animals. I use to pop those when I was a kid when I use to keep newts. Don't know what is inside of those, but they definitely don't feel like 100% water.
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