Weird cat


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2005
Hey guys
I have this weird cat
it's a maine coon, acts like a dog, goes outside and sits with me while i tan ect..big trust in us lol

He used to be 33 pounds when we first got him, and put him on a diet and now he is 18 pounds. Much better looking, his tummy doesnt drag anymore.

he only eats his catfood.

He wont accept milk, chicken, beef, fish, cheese...or anything else except for the catfood.

We had no cat food for about a week when dad was away a few years ago and would meoow meoww meoww for all night we tried feeding him chicken, or the other aboves, and he still wouldn't accept it.

Ofc dad got home and he got his food. lol

Also he will only eat this ukaneuba food. hair ball formula.

I am wondering is it because he's addicted?
The only other thing he eats is grass... lol

He also just 'plays' with mice. That means running after then then grabbing them in his paw to look at them then he gets bored and leaves them alone.
We had a bird, cocktail, and he would walk around with it on his head lol bird loved him.

Right now we have a ladder connecting out upstairs to downstairs and he learned to walk up and down it within 2 days. Funny watching a big cat do that.

Also he has a terriroty..
He wont leave our yard, lets say we bring him outside the only place he goes is on our driveway to roll in dirt, or on the corner under the tree. He will follow me around outside for 'exploring' but then he just stops and rolls on the ground if i go near the road or too far into the woods 'lets go back' lol!

He also wont use the washroom outside...comes inside to use the litter box lol!

Anyways yep my weird cat...
any of you with similar experiences?

Jaymz Bedell

Old Timer
Dec 19, 2009
I understand the insanity of having a maine coon all too well. when my best friend passed a couple of years ago i adopted her 9 month old, 17 pound, jet black maine coon kitten. at 2 years 9 months old hes huge, well over 30 pounds and not at all fat. he loves to love, but still gets overstimulated as kittens sometimes do. he still has his kitten mentality, he only ever gets to kill bugs, but loves his mouse toys. and as of this morning loves to roll around in boxes. he prefers dry food but still eats wet...if i had my way hed be on dry only. as a kitten his rear end was paralyzed and his human mommy spent lots of time and money getting him fixed up. including teaching him to walk. he swaggers around now, but is fully functional. he loves to be loved, especially at 3am when he comes running at full speed, chortling, and jumps to land firmly and squarly on your stomach. purring the whole time. hes easily 25 pounds heavier than my color point short hair yet scarred poopless of her when she goes after him. he will chase her when she makes one of her mad dashes around the house, but his gallop is no where near as fast as her "run before a human tries to give me love" dart. my maine coon LOVES bugs. he will run up a wall after a moth or beetle. and as is typical for his breed hes a water lover. no showers with the bathroom door open or youll have a giant black paw trying to get every drop of water. and yep, he follows me around the house like a dog, but only when hes low on dry food or really needs attention. earning him the nickname of NEEDY. definitely cool cats!


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2005
awesome!! my cat is no where near as crazy though ahah he's too lazy to be active... lol mines fixed though, and was declawyed before we got him.
Yep mine loves water too hah although he doesnt invite himself in the shower hehe


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
Maine coons are weird like that. My mom has a female (they're nowhere near as big as males) and our aunt has a male and female, all are siblings. My mom lives in a large house on a golf course, and our yard is right next to one of the women's tees. The cat will sit in her territory outside, and growl at golfers walking by.

If you leave the door open while taking a shower, the cat will JUMP INTO the shower with you!!!! She LOVES water! She sleeps in the sink, too. If you turn the water on thinking it'll spook her out or something, she just doesn't care and keeps sleeping through it!!

She is scared of domestic rats and mice, and doesn't hunt at all, though (my own two cats at my house are indoor only, my mom lets hers outside though which i don't always approve of, but she does live down a huge private drive on a golf course, so there's not exactly a lot of traffic, but there are wild animals in the woods nearby). My rats used to chase her down while they had out-of-cage playtime, and she'd freak out and RUN! Now that I live away from them, the couple times I came over to visit recently, i brought one of my prairie dogs with me, and THEY chase her down, too!

Jaymz Bedell

Old Timer
Dec 19, 2009
yup, theyre super fun. and my male is fixed, has been since the day he turned 6 months old. he isnt too keen on being held for long periods of time, but as soon as you pick him up he flops in your arms. or if you sit on the couch for more than 5 minutes he tries to become one with your thigh. for a 33 pound cat he hides very easily, any tiny bit of shadow and he blends in perfectly, if hes asleep on the black couch he blends...his blender is definitely not broken! he just needs to stop with the 3 am head butts to the face, and the belly jumps. needy!


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
I've had three Maine Coons, and they were all "strange" by domestic cat standards, but I also have owned bobcats, Canada lynx and cougars, and Maine Coon behavior is much more consistent with wild cat behavior, especially when it comes to water. The only thing is that all of my MC's had VERY high prey drive, and one of them actually attacked a five-week-old American Pit Bull puppy and grabbed her by the throat and carried her up on top of the refrigerator. I have no doubt that he intended to kill her and eat her, since she was much smaller than he was and he became extremely aggressive when I intervened, threatening ME. This was not a case of "trying to protect the baby and carrying it like a mama cat"; he was killing her and she ended up with a punctured windpipe, and one of his canine teeth(Maine Coons have huge fangs)missed her jugular by less than 1/16 of an inch, so the poor puppy wound up having to spend a week at the vet's with surgical drains in her neck. Mine also took a long, long time to grow out of that chewing, destructive stage, like a large-breed puppy would, and a 20+ pound cat can do a lot more damage in the house than any puppy! I had the house flooded twice due to the cats turning on a faucet and then lying in the sink under the water flow, blocking the drain!



Old Timer
Feb 18, 2005
I've had three Maine Coons, and they were all "strange" by domestic cat standards, but I also have owned bobcats, Canada lynx and cougars, and Maine Coon behavior is much more consistent with wild cat behavior, especially when it comes to water. The only thing is that all of my MC's had VERY high prey drive, and one of them actually attacked a five-week-old American Pit Bull puppy and grabbed her by the throat and carried her up on top of the refrigerator. I have no doubt that he intended to kill her and eat her, since she was much smaller than he was and he became extremely aggressive when I intervened, threatening ME. This was not a case of "trying to protect the baby and carrying it like a mama cat"; he was killing her and she ended up with a punctured windpipe, and one of his canine teeth(Maine Coons have huge fangs)missed her jugular by less than 1/16 of an inch, so the poor puppy wound up having to spend a week at the vet's with surgical drains in her neck. Mine also took a long, long time to grow out of that chewing, destructive stage, like a large-breed puppy would, and a 20+ pound cat can do a lot more damage in the house than any puppy! I had the house flooded twice due to the cats turning on a faucet and then lying in the sink under the water flow, blocking the drain!

haha wow pitbullady!
My cats so lazy he doesnt have a prey drive existent... lol he thinks birds are his friends and mice are for tickling... lol
He's a whimp though, any cat or big dog that comes in the house he walks up the stairs slowly growling, and goes to be depressed for a few hours. lol odd cat.

Although, I dont really think it's normal for him not to enjoy chicken, beef, and other foods like that.

I am so glad he doesn't turn the tap on...! lol

Jaymz Bedell

Old Timer
Dec 19, 2009
my maine coon has a prey drive...he can sit and watch the birds at the feeders for hours on end, only occasionally trying to launce himself thru the window or screen. and bugs, he loves bugs, hes also fond of dogs...but he prefers the dogs as friends. he is very much like a wild cat, similar in many ways to the bobcats and lynx i've had the pleasure of working with. his purr is no where near as loud as the cougars i worked with, but his meow is only slightly smaller than a cougars. big huge cat, little tiny meow.its fortunate for all involved hes not terribly destructive. he occasionally sharpens his claws on inappropriate things, and mutilates toys. but a quickly killed toy is a good toy in my book. and yes, his inscisors are enormous. hes not allowed to chew on me due to a slight allergy to cat saliva, but looking at his fangs im not too upset by the allergy. fortunately he knows hes not allowed on counters so him turning on faucets isnt a big concern, but is something i worry about. still very amusing to watch my 7 pound short hair boss him around.


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
My regular domestic long hair also will only use the litter box and come in to do so. Otherwise she is pretty "normal" (although no cat is normal imo lol.) She wants affection on her terms only. She does act like a dog and sit under my daughters high chair, waiting for food to drop though.

Now my Ragdoll on the other hand is strange. She can have a fresh bowl of water and still will only drink if I turn on the bathtub faucet. She won't tell you, just sit in the tub for hours on end until someone notices she's there. She also has to be the dumbest cat I have ever met. We jokingly call her the supermodel, absolutely gorgeous but not all there in the brains department. She won't eat if she can see the bottom of the bowl, if I go shake it to redistribute the food around then she's good, I don't even have to add more food. She is afraid of our pet rats, it's quite comical actually. She is super slow and lazy. When she wakes up, it's like she doesn't know where she is and she wanders around meowing until I call her name, then it's like she wakes up and goes back to her normal ways. I have seen old cats act like that, and blind ones, but she is 5 and has perfectly fine vision. Also being a ragdoll, she is a good size (not overweight, they are just fairly big bodied cats) and yet the little 7lb DLH bosses her around like crazy, it's pretty cute.


Jun 29, 2010
my cat is much different than yours. for example she acts picky about some things but she will eat almost everything after she acts to be picky about it. she loves turkey! sometimes she goes outside and brings in birds and mice, but she doesn't want to just play with them, she will eat the entire thing including the head and you can hear bones crushing and all! Gr0sS! sometimes she wants to sit in high places and will perch on the scorpion tank and fall in! only the emperor scorpion though, the tityus is more secure or else i think she might die :/ the other thing is sometimes we will walk for miles and she will follow follow follow! people have said, "I've never seen a cat that will go this far from home!" she acts like a dog though, she isn't so prissy that she only likes being stroked one way, you can scratch her hard and backwards and she just loves it. sometimes when we are walking in the fields for miles with 4 foot tall grass, she will still follow, and jump 4 feet to see where she is going haha! i believe its a mixed variety but shes black and white and brownd, and shes just normal housecat looking, not like those crazy looking breeds. she doesnt get hairballs. but my other passion in life is plants and we had to really really train her hardcore with spankings:evil: not to eat all the plants! i had to start growing cat grass for her and spank her:evil: when she ate the good ones! she eventually learned. shes really nice but crazy! sometimes she has spastic tantrums and starts jumping all over the walls and sprints into the next room! anyway cats are super weird and i think maybe its normal for cats to be so crazy??? although they are the direct result of humans selectively breeding them for more than 5000 years because we love them so much!!!


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
Well maine coons are a result of domestic cats breeding in the wild in the northeast...

also wait spank? do that with an exotic mammal and you won't have a face anymore... I guess there's another reason some people should stick only to domestics


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
also wait spank? do that with an exotic mammal and you won't have a face anymore... I guess there's another reason some people should stick only to domestics
Heck, if you did it to my old girl (just a plain old long haired tabby) you wouldn't have a face anymore ;) Even the dopey, lazy Ragdoll wouldn't put up with that.

Really, there are effective ways to "train" a cat about what is and isn't acceptable behaviour, without hitting them.


Jun 29, 2010
Heck, if you did it to my old girl (just a plain old long haired tabby) you wouldn't have a face anymore ;) Even the dopey, lazy Ragdoll wouldn't put up with that.

Really, there are effective ways to "train" a cat about what is and isn't acceptable behaviour, without hitting them.
nope, spankings!:evil:
and yelling!:evil: