Want a python, need advice.


Old Timer
May 14, 2007
I tried searching google for this, but honestly, I didn't get a concise answer.

I'm really interested in pythons, but I need to know which of them is the smallest (yet common to purchase) when full grown? I'll be keeping this sucker in my room and won't have a lot of room for these humongous enclosures.

or you can make other recommendations for constrictors that don't get very large.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007

Have you looked into Ball or Children's pythons? Neither get very large and are usually docile. Check out the forums on kingsnake.com, lots of good info over there.


Old Timer
May 14, 2007
thanks for the website and I really want a Ball but I thought they got huge?

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Ball pythons average something like 3-4 feet long for males and 4-5 feet long for females. You will end up needing a 20-40 gallon tank eventually depending on the ultimate size of your animal; my boy is about three years old now and still hasn't outgrown his 20 long.

They have VERY specific temp/humidity/general housing needs which have to be met or they'll start having problems like crazy. Their needs are *easy* to meet, but if you don't do your research and just kinda go with whatever some pet store tells you, that's when the problems start. Otherwise they're easy enough if you start off with a healthy captive-bred animal from a breeder with a good reputation. :)


Old Timer
May 14, 2007
yeah, i am a research freak so I will be fully prepared when/if I get my snake in a month.

and yea, about the pet store, I stopped listening to them after I turned 12. had box tortoises mysteriously die on me and I had the petstores "conditions" met.


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
No, ball pythons don't get huge, and they are a very sweet gentle snake. My husband refers to them as "the G. roseas of the snake world". They are very gentle and can be very shy, and specifically are usually head shy. They move slowly and you have to move slowly around them. They are an extremely good "lap snake".
There is a little more involved with their care than with a cornsnake, and they get much bigger around than a corn, but not to long. I have an almost adult male who hasn't reached 5 feet yet.
I have two and love them both.


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2007
kind of on the expensive side but have you considered a Woma Python? they don't get very big...about 4-5 feet...they're also extremely gentle snakes with tons of personality and a very inquisitive nature...mine is almost always on the move in his enclosure just checking things out and rearranging his furniture hehe...

Woma's are also one of the more colorful pythons i've seen...BRIGHT yellow head with black Groucho Marx style eyebrows and black and yellow/off-white banding around the body...seriously though find a picture because no amount of me telling you what they look like can explain how gorgeous they are...

if you can afford one i highly recommend them as a must have:)



Old Timer
Apr 28, 2008
get a redtail..yea they get bigger..but there a much better snake in my oppinion..seeing as how balls will stop eating and fast for months..and plus everyone has a ball..alot of people have rtb's too but there alot better looking nice colors..and are friendly.


Sep 16, 2007
Python Regius' are great snakes, and vary in personality. Mine is not a slow mover, he is a climber and always on the go. He is very friendly, curious and never aggressive. Not all go on fasts either, but if they do there is rarely anything to be concerned about. Some have gone a year without food, and the longest I have heard one go is 18 months, with no ill affects. They do eat again, when they are ready. I also have a RTB and he is great too, but he is a lot more shy than my python, and not nearly as eager to be handled. Just all depends on personality that varies from snake to snake....nothing is guaranteed.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
..seeing as how balls will stop eating and fast for months..
That's not really a downside, it's not like they harm themselves (provided their temp/humidity/housing needs are met - now THAT can cause a snake to waste away if not).

and plus everyone has a ball
This is a really stupid reason not to get one.

..alot of people have rtb's too but there alot better looking nice colors..and are friendly.
I hope you're not suggesting ball pythons aren't friendly, they're one of the most docile snakes around.

And red-tails are pretty and all, but "better looking nice colors"? They have almost the exact same colors as a ball! Browns, blacks, and grays. I happen to think the bps look better, myself.


Old Timer
Apr 28, 2008
That's not really a downside, it's not like they harm themselves (provided their temp/humidity/housing needs are met - now THAT can cause a snake to waste away if not).

yeah its not really a downside..but if you want a snake thats a more active eater all the time then i wouldn't go with a ball..

This is a really stupid reason not to get one.

not saying to not get one cause everyone has one..but if i were gonna get a ball i would go with a morph..like a spider, or lavender or ghost ball..not a normal phase..

I hope you're not suggesting ball pythons aren't friendly, they're one of the most docile snakes around.

yes balls are friendly..they are great snakes to handle..

And red-tails are pretty and all, but "better looking nice colors"? They have almost the exact same colors as a ball! Browns, blacks, and grays. I happen to think the bps look better, myself.
balls have reds in them..and there patterns are alot more intricate..if you think about it..more cryptic..

IMO i would go with a rtb, a ball morph, or a colubrid..just my 02


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2004
get a redtail..yea they get bigger..but there a much better snake in my oppinion..seeing as how balls will stop eating and fast for months..and plus everyone has a ball..alot of people have rtb's too but there alot better looking nice colors..and are friendly.
Yeah, and Boa Constrictors aren't just as common as Ball Pythons? lol


Old Timer
Jun 26, 2007
Let me throw this at you, JMoran. I've noticed that alot of snake fans break up into one of two categories (tho' some of us belong to both;P )
Some snake fans like a snake that will curl up on their arm for hours. These people like laid back, chill and slow moving. These people often appreciate a little size, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's living in the spare bedroom eating small children. 3 to 5 feet is plenty big for most people. These people would be happiest with boas or pythons. There are MANY more species than common boas and Royal (Ball) Pythons. There's the already mentioned Childrens and Woma Pythons as well as Spotted Pythons, Neotropical Boas like the Amazon Tree, the various Rainbow Boas, etc.
The second catagory of snake fans seems to want a more active snake. It's OK for them if the snake doesn't always settle down on them, most are still handleable to some degree, but when they look inside their snakes enclosure, they would occasionally like to see their snake actually doing something. These people often tend to go for the bright flashy colors. For this group of snake fans I would recommend the cornsnakes, kingsnakes or milksnakes.
There are sooo many cool snakes available captive bred and the information to keep them properly that you should just spend some time CyberShopping!
Here are a few that I have liked.

That is my Tangerine Honduran Milksnake "Samhain", pronounced "sowan"

This Emerald Tree Boa, "Fang" belongs to a friend of mine. Captive bred, they do not live up to their reputation. :evil: :evil: :evil:

This belongs to a different friend. "Princess Jade" is an Irian Jaya Carpet Python. I personally prefer and keep the Jungle Carpets, but the IJ stays smaller and is easier to keep tame.

Like I said, see what's out there. There is nothing wrong with commonly kept snakes, but there is sooo much more.