Vinegaroon was lying on his side


Jun 24, 2021
Hi there I've had my vinegaroon for almost a year now and after a while he came out of hibernation and was a bit starved and I fed him more often (almost every day for a week) till his abdomen got to more normal size. I was worried if I was overfeeding him a bit so I stopped but he seemed normal for a while then I noticed he would stay motionless for a while but would move. I went up north a few days ago (I wanted to show him to my brother) so I took him with me and me and my brother showed other family and friends so Vinny (my vinegaroon) did some traveling. I was worried I was moving him to much and Vinny would be stressed a bit so I left him at my brother's house for most of today. I saw him come out and around a bit after a while and he looked fine but after I walked passed his enclosure he was laying on his side I was immediately worried for him and very gently poked him and he immediately shot up and walked off into his burrow. Is he okay? he's never done that before


Jan 17, 2020
I’m not reading anything truly concerning here it may have been cleaning some of its legs, but it could help if you posted a picture of it in that position if it does it again so that we’re not just guessing and of the enclosure to make sure everything is A-OK. I have yet to find any of mine in positions like that but cleaning can look weird and they are funny little creatures sometimes that do funny things.