Ill ask before I even make one.
Can I post a short vid of the strike and envenomation here?
Dont want to upset anybody . . .
Ill go with majority rules!
So 3 "for" the vid.
Ill give it till saturday to help em decide . . .
I have a strange feeling its gonna offend some folks, so Ill just wait a few more hours.
I think its really amazing the way rattlers operate, and just think people should see them in action!
Go for it. Be warned as soon as you post some one will be screaming. I for one will not. Everyone on this forum owns predatory animals. You figure we should be able to see somthing getting eaten.
i agree to do it too, it's nature in a confind space, just we get to see it, no rodent is going to die infront of a snake out in the wild, so yes never seen one.
Thanks for the positve replies.
I plan on feeding it tomorow so theres a few hours left for everybody to chime in . . .
Its not a really big deal to me, I seen it at least a hundred times, but I certainly dont wanna be the ahole of the forum . . .
I agree with the post it with a warning idea. Word it correctly and nobody will be able to "whine" about your posting. I personally don't agree with feeding live prey, but that's MY opinion. If I saw a warning, I'd simply not watch and have no need to comment negatively. You're still going to get a few, but you've done your best to not force this issue. I wish others went about it this way. My vote is post it.
The only reason I mentioned that I do not agree with feeding live is because I have seen some terrible infections caused by mouse/rat bite in venomous snakes. I think it is worse in venomous snakes because I have seen severs necrotic damage to the venom apparatus as a result of a bite.
So like I was saying I am not condemning anyone for feeding live but rat/mouse bites suck and that is something to keep in mind.
I really want to see this video though. After e-mail it to PETA. (I think that would be hilarious) Sorry. That was kind of dark.
Well, now it wll probably have to be tomorow cause my buddy aint coming over and we got a memorial bbq for a buddy that died on his motorcycle 2 years ago.
K so I just woke up, we had to party till about 530 this am to really remember our how our buddy did it(no drugs ).
Im just getting started, Ill need coffee . . .
My buddy is coming over in a couple hours when hes done wwith his sfift, and we ll try to get the video!
Alright, here are the vids.
Not the greatest filming, and the phone only does 30 seconds at a time . . .
Theyre in chronological order in this post.
Wasnt the cleanest bite either, usually I put the mouse in and the snake has time to track it, for video purposes I dropped the mouse directly and suddenly in front of the snake, so it may not have been completely ready . . .
And yes, I took the mouse out of the waterbowl and put it in front of the snake, for filming purposes.
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