Very First Spider But What Is It?


Jun 7, 2022
Bare with my everyone. This is gonna be a long thread with a bunch to read by the time I'm done 'n posting this.

I used to love spiders as a little kid. Under the age of 5. At school I didn't even play with the other kids. I sat up underneath the gym structures outside and just sat there watching and petting the spiders. Mostly the jumping ones. But they all sorta fascinated me. Until I was nearly scared to death by a poor little Daddy long legs. He was curled up on the face one of my baby dolls. I picked him up and brought him near my nose to get a better look. I was kinda sad and concerned because he looked dead. He super was not. In hind sight I honestly think he was sleeping, and that I too scared him to death when he woke up somewhere totally not where he had passed out his legs sprung to action and he moved around quickly and frantically. I dropped him and ran to Mt parents crying. I've been terrified of them and haven't been able to touch a single one ever since.

For years after high-school as a brand new adult I started casually and occasionally watching YouTube videos of people who collect, breed, and raise apiders as part of their life style and hobby. Started to learn a little bit about their behaviors and how to sorta tell if an egg sat is fetile and gonna hatch or not. (I don't know much at all but it's been great to watch over the years) and I watched this heart wrenching video that made me ball hysterically on this man's behalf for his brand new baby spider unboxing. I don't know what kind it was but probably an exotic fancy tarantula of some kind. It got loose being transferred from its shipping container to its home enclosure. He panicked trying to find it only to drop to his crying like I had when I found one of my former pet cats dead outside in the yard. I could feel his pain and grief and had never ever felt even that much for a spider since getting scared.

Fast forward to a few days ago when I made a big decision.... I saw these videos of women who purchased spiders for the sole purpose of using the new pet and caring for it to help them over come their fears of spiders.

I love them, and I hate being afraid of them.

So I've been doing my research and decided I want to become a sort of spider keeper. To over come my fears, and because they're amazing creatures and pets. To get back to when I just loved then and found them fascinating. Maybe one day with time and experience I'll try breeding jump9ng spiders or get my first tarantula.

But I need something hardy and wild. I live at home with my boyfriend, our 8 almost 9 month old daughter, and his parents. Everyone is afraid of spiders. So I can't keep any inside. Therefore I'm not touching domestic spiders yet. But I did capture a spider from the bathroom before anyone could find and smash it.

This little critter is named Buggy.

I don't know it's age, gender, or type. This identifier app I have says I most likely have a Hacklemesh Weaver.

I only the basic care guide info for jumping spiders and tarantulas.

So.... I need everyone to give me your best advice for my first spider, and my new journey to loving them and rescuing and raising them. Any and all info.

I prefer to mist them than leave water dishes after watching someone else's drown on YouTube. I've misted my spider and their enclosure twice. For now it's enclosure is a small little plastic container until I get paid and buy a fancy one online.

I'll be attaching pictures too.

I can't find hardly any videos or info one about Hacklemesh Weavers as pets. This little fella seems very hardy and chill. He doesn't freak out easily I think sometimes he follows my hands and fingers and he always turns to look at me when I open the lid and talk at him and watch him live put his curious little life down there. I loved catching and feeding an ant to him. Seeing the head get torn off amd devoured was very amusing and fascinating. Never seen that before.

How do I help my very first spider thrive as best as I can? What basic and foundational spider info do I need?

Ps. Because everyone st home is afraid of spiders this poor fella lives and stays in his enclosure on a nice little shelf on the back porch during the day and gets hidden on tip of my cluttered night stand over night. I like the idea of fresh sun light and air for him every day. But don't want him getting cold at night since he was an indoor spider rescue from the bathroom.

How often should they be misted and eat? How often do I clean the enclosure? Do spiders poop and what does that look like? 20220607_194129.jpg

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
But I need something hardy and wild. I live at home with my boyfriend, our 8 almost 9 month old daughter, and his parents. Everyone is afraid of spiders. So I can't keep any inside.
Kick the in-laws and boyfriend out. You really don't want to live with people with irrational fears, do you? Then move your spiders in and enjoy.
PS Ask your spider fearing associates why they aren't cringing and freaking out when they see motor vehicles. Several millions injuries or deaths from them for every significant spider bite.
PPS And don't forget bathrooms and stairs. Much more dangerous than spiders.

Europus Gigantus

Apr 6, 2021
Hard to say exactly from your picture. I live in WA also, and collect Callobius Severus spiders, which are a wild and native hacklemesh weaver, and very local to the PNW, so you can be proud of it! They should be our State spider! On your spider, does it have a chevron pattern on it's booty? Does it have kind of red legs? I currently have four. Even if I am wrong, don't put it outside and inside. Just find a peaceful cupboard or something with air and a little light and don't move the enclosure around too much, it kind of stresses them out They do fine at room temperature, I keep mine at around 68° give or take a couple of degrees. Anyway, I love mine, they are fun. I have heard they have a painful bite but not a dangerous one. However, mine have always been really calm. Make sure they have decent ventilation, mine have sone well in small Kritter Keepers or clear deli cups. Anyway, yours might not even be a Callobius. I will try to post a picture, I haven't before. Good luck!
P.S I can't figure out how to attach a picture, it's late I will try to tomorrow. I am excited for you, your family will come around!
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Jun 7, 2022
Hard to say exactly from your picture. I live in WA also, and collect Callobius Severus spiders, which are a wild and native hacklemesh weaver, and very local to the PNW, so you can be proud of it! They should be our State spider! On your spider, does it have a chevron pattern on it's booty? Does it have kind of red legs? I currently have four. Even if I am wrong, don't put it outside and inside. Just find a peaceful cupboard or something with air and a little light and don't move the enclosure around too much, it kind of stresses them out They do fine at room temperature, I keep mine at around 68° give or take a couple of degrees. Anyway, I love mine, they are fun. I have heard they have a painful bite but not a dangerous one. However, mine have always been really calm. Make sure they have decent ventilation, mine have sone well in small Kritter Keepers or clear deli cups. Anyway, yours might not even be a Callobius. I will try to post a picture, I haven't before. Good luck!
P.S I can't figure out how to attach a picture, it's late I will try to tomorrow. I am excited for you, your family will come around!
This one is like a sort of dark brown with red tinting to his uhm... not familiar with anatomy however the red tinting is everywhere except the spidey booty, which is black. It's not an adult and really little so it's hard to make out some details. I haven't noticed much of a patter yet just red, the mix of dark brown and red with the black butt as I call it. Here's it eating last night from my night stand. Sorry for the shaky hands ahead of time on the video.



Jun 7, 2022
Ps I also have an Instagram page with pictures and stuff of my current pet spider. On there that account name is motherofzpuders (like mother of dragons but spiders hehe)


Jun 7, 2022
This is a picture of an adult hacklemesh weaver on the right compared to the picture of my current pet. They do look similar but I'm not sure if they're the same. I'm just so uneducated about spider let alone which ever one I currently have.



May 26, 2022
It reminds me a lot of the woodlouse spiders we have in Colorado. Those are much more read/orange though, your weaver guess is probably more accurate.


Apr 18, 2022
This is a picture of an adult hacklemesh weaver on the right compared to the picture of my current pet. They do look similar but I'm not sure if they're the same. I'm just so uneducated about spider let alone which ever one I currently have.
My app is calling it a hacklemesh. Cool looking spider.

Europus Gigantus

Apr 6, 2021
Hacklemesh is a common name for two genus types in the Amourobiidae family, the Amaurobius and Callobius spiders. Where we live in Washington state you most likely have a Callobius. You will get better searches using the taxonomical names. I am still trying to figure out how to post a picture here! 😄

Europus Gigantus

Apr 6, 2021
Here is a decent shot of a female Callobius s. That I've had for a year. I now have five...I spilled a glass of water last night and a little guy(girl) was apparently thirsty. It's in a safe place now, waiting for a photo shoot! Anyway, enjoy your spider! Callobius s..jpg

Europus Gigantus

Apr 6, 2021
It reminds me a lot of the woodlouse spiders we have in Colorado. Those are much more read/orange though, your weaver guess is probably more accurate.
They are kind of the same shape, right? But the woodlouse spiders have that big solid gray abdomen, and much bigger fangs.