Veiled chameleon


Old Timer
Jun 11, 2003
I was afraid of putting together mi two female veiled chameleon, because one of them is much bigger than the other, today I take the risk, was very dificult, they look stressed and the big one was chasing the little one. I check right now how things are going at night and they are sleeping together, here is the picture:

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Ultimate Instar

Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
I bred Chameleo calyptratus several years ago, but I stopped 6 years ago so I'm not up on current information. Keeping chameleons together is a bit difficult. They are delicate animals and may die from stress. Although they may appear to be cohabiting in peace, that doesn't guarantee that they will not fight in the future. Also, I have noticed, especially with this species, that they will lay unfertilized eggs. If you notice that she appears to be getting fat around the middle, that is a obvious sign. When laying is imminent, you may actually see the outline of eggs in the abdomen. In those circumstances, you should isolate the chameleon in a cage partially filled with damp sand. Do not disturb her and, if possible, cover up any windows or screens so she can't see through them.

Infertile eggs look somewhat yellow and misshapen. Fertile eggs are white and oval-shaped. I am not sure if female chameleons live longer if they mate or not. The problem is that celibate females tend to get egg-bound, i.e. they hang on to the unfertilized eggs too long and then they can't lay them. In either case, in my experience, the female C. calyptratus do not live very long, perhaps 1 1/2 years. Unfortunately, none of the chameleons seem to live very long. I had a wild-caught male C. quadricornus that lived six years and that is the maximum for the species that I have kept. I never kept any C. parsoni or C. jacksoni so perhaps the larger species or the other montane species may live longer.

In any case, good luck with them. They do recognize you as an individual. I had a female C. calyptratus on a breeding loan. She hated me but loved her owner. Her owner could kiss her on the side of her head; if I tried that she would have bitten off my lips. :)

Karen N.


Old Timer
Jun 11, 2003
Thanks Karen... I have 3 veiled chameleon (1 male, 2 females) they are still youngs... I have them free in two medium size trees without a cage. I had read that male chameleon can not be toghether, and female and male neither, but you can have 2 female veiled toghether if they have enough space. Untill now they looks to have no problems, if one or boths of them gets territorial I will separate them. The best thing about chameleons is that is very easy to know if they are stressed

Thanks again



Old Timer
Jul 24, 2002

Great job, Ines! I am very impressed with the idea of putting them in the trees, and not caging them. I think this will cut down on the stress alot, and I have heard of exp. hobbyists doing the same here. Looks like you have some babies coming soon! Good Luck!!