UTH Heat Pads..


Aug 24, 2007
I read on a website that the Repti Therm U.T.H. - Mini heat pad could safely be used on plastic terrariums, just not the larger ones. I am having to use the plastic ones, since I do not have the space to keep everything in 10 gallon aquariums. I guess my questions are this:

1) Does anyone use heat pads on plastic terrariums with no issues?

2) Has anyone had any fire hazzard problems using heat pads(i am getting conflicting info on websites about thier safe use).




Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
Could you specify the type of plastic? I do know a number of people who have used small UTHs on hard plastics like Lee's and Kritter Keepers, and even some harder plastic storage containers. However, soft plastics like most standard storage bins can sometimes be warped by UTHs, and I imagine that any fumes put off by heated soft plastic would be detrimental.

As far as heating pads being a fire hazard... really, anything hooked up electricity is a hazard if it malfunctions. However, if you are affixing your UTHs to the side of a tank as you often would to keep inverts, and keeping the back surface of it away from anything flammable, it shouldn't be a hazard in and of itself whilst properly functioning. Most UTH fire issues are from incorrect use; for example, if you have a bottom-placed UTH and do not put little 'feet' on the bottom of your tank to elevate it, the heater pressed to the surface below & with the cord pinched is just asking for a problem.


Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
yeah, the cheap, thin type plastics can and will warp if the heat pad is very warm. the thicker, tougher type plastics are usually fine. i really haven't had too many probs with either to tell the truth...