

Old Timer
Dec 27, 2003
I have an adult vindegaroon from America. M gigantus or something like that. From the site here, and looking underneath, I thought it is a male. He is very fat. Just recently, he was digging out his tunnels (he put the dirt in his waterdish like tarantulas) and he has his self sealed in. Before this he was walking around hunting every day. I have left him alone, but wondered if this is normal? He is full sz and like I said very fat. I guess he could be molting or waiting to give birth if he is a female. I keep part of the tank around the waterdish damp. He is in a 5 gal. aquarium with a screen top. The soil is peat moss witg some sand mixed in. This little "bug" has been even more interesting then all my tarantulas and scorpions. Just wondering what is going on. I live in the high desert of the Mojave desert in southern CA. Its very very dry and I have the house heated to 80 to 85F. Thats why I water the tank often to have a moist area. Any ideas?
