Some comparison pics of the spiders i added in 04-15-09.
0.1 Xenesthis immanis
0.0.1 Ceratogyrus Marshalli
0.1 Chromaptopelma (GGB)
0.4 Theraphosa Apophysis
Female nr 1,2 (in premolt),3 and 4
New arrivals
0.0.5 Theraphosa apopysis slings
Nr 1,2,3,4 and 5
0.3 blondi's
Juvenile Female
Subadult female
Adult female
0.1 Xenesthis immanis

0.0.1 Ceratogyrus Marshalli

0.1 Chromaptopelma (GGB)

0.4 Theraphosa Apophysis

Female nr 1,2 (in premolt),3 and 4

New arrivals
0.0.5 Theraphosa apopysis slings
Nr 1,2,3,4 and 5

0.3 blondi's
Juvenile Female

Subadult female

Adult female