Unknown tortoise. Please ID and help with care sheets.


Old Timer
Feb 2, 2008
OK he is the little one. Sorry for the bad pics. Also i got it for about 150$ 2 years ago when it was 4inches. Was that a rip-off?

BTW she is about 13.5in (going around the shell).
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Old Timer
Oct 19, 2006

it is a spur thighed tortoise.search and you will find a ton of caresheets.they get huge.i raised two from half dollar size to 12" in two years


Old Timer
Feb 2, 2008
2 years ago my parents bought it for me for Christmas. They thought they knew alot about it but turns out they thought it was from russia! And i did have a general idea for how to care for it. When it was anout 4inches i had it in a 10 gallon tank with calca-sand or something like that. Life span was a bit exagerated. My parents said it lived for 300 years. (those idiots;)) maxium size we knew was around 30inches and close to 200 pounds. Also if you looked at my reply to the other person i said that i suspected it was a spur thigh tortoise so it was living in the general requiered set-up already.


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
Those are cool. I bought a baby and had it for several years. Can you keep it outside? I bought 4 2X12s, nailed them together to make a big square and put it close to the back door. Prob too late for that with that one though if it's that long. There was a little shrub in the middle for shade. I broke a big plant pot for it's home. I put chicken wire on the ground next to the boards so it wouldn't dig out. I ended up putting a cheap electric wire around the box to keep my rat terrier from carrying the tort off, raccoons are a danger too when they are little. I got home one time and the tort wasn't in there. I looked at my dog and said, "Go get'em, go get'em." He ran off around the house and came back with the tort in his mouth. That's when I put the electric wire up. The slight pyramiding on the shell stopped when it started free roaming the backyard and eating the stuff it found back there, it's pretty natural. It's good for them to get natural sun if you can do it. Mine got big after 9 years and busted out of a wooden gate. There's a big dome shaped hole in that gate. I miss watching that tort. They can get very big. They are easy to keep but only if you have a lot of room IME.

Wait, the diameter is only 13 inches? It's still pretty small if that's the case.