Two OBT Rehousings


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
Well my two little ones molted this last week. Tazz was first, and didn't grow much. Then Razz molted just over the weekend, and boy did (he?) grow! He's almost double in size now. Personality-wise, they are so different! Tazz is a little more timid. I used a large cooking pot to rehouse them in because they are so small. Tazz tried to hide in the bottom of his old vial so I had to use some tweezers to coax him out, and rehousing was fairly simple.
Razz, on the other hand, lives up to his "orange ball of fury" name and then some. At first he tried to hide in the bottom of his vial, too, but once those tweezers intruded his space, he came flying out of that vial and started running laps around the pot. He then shot out of the pot and luckily (for me!) stopped on the side right above the pot handle. I used his new vial to try to get him inside, to no avail. Off like greased lightning he went again, and flew back into the pot where he then resumed his laps. Around and around and around he went, with me laughing in amusement the whole time, until finally I felt sorry for the poor brat and stuck the new vial in his path. Once his feet touched the dirt that's all she wrote and he settled right in. Whew!!!
Little bugger is super-quick!
I'm thinking (wholly guessing, of course) that Razz is a male, judging by his incredible growth rate. He makes Tazz look like a grammostola!
Neither molt was whole enough to sex, unfortunately. Tazz shredded his while Razz balled his up too much for me to untangle.
They're hopeless, I tell ya. :D
So I suppose my first OBT rehousing was a success!!!


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Congrats on your successful migration. Be glad that your first OBT rehousing was with teeny lil babies. My first time was with a 3.5"-er. That was NOT as cute as your experience, to be sure. At least i moved my adult cobalt first that day so the OBT was slightly less puckersome...

I'm still chuckling at the mental picture of the lil orange kitten running laps around the inside of a pot.


Old Timer
Aug 23, 2007
Great story, Alexis, well told too. I'm LMAO also at the visuals in high speed, a blur of orange! Glad you had your jollies and hey, a great way to exercise your pets!

I am getting a MF OBT for my MM this week and can't wait (hah! {D ) to open my little package of joy! :evil: I may be laughing out of the other side of my mouth at your story then. Glad your rehousing went well. Do you have an H lividum yet? Their speed makes OBTs look like turtles.

...and thanks for the kind words. they really do help...


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
Pics? Sizes? :)
I didn't get any pics of the actual rehousing, and I wanted to let them settle in before snapping photos of them in their new home (I posted pics of them when I first got them a while ago).
Post molt: Tazz is probably just a hair over an inch LS and Razz is easily 1.5" if not slightly bigger.
What's weird is that Tazz has always had a dark body color with a slightly orange abdomen, while Razz has been bright orange since I got him.

Oh, and Tazz got his first live meal last night! (well this morning technically...about 1 a.m.). Previously I had been giving him pre-killed half mealies, but since he grew a little I decided to toss him a roach to see how he'd handle it. Needless to say they looked like amateur wrestlers, but Tazz won! The roach nymph was smaller than him, but not by much. ;)
Razz, since he molted just two days ago, isn't quite ready for his first live meal yet (plus he's still a little fatty even after molting :D ).

Oh and DD, I do have a haplopelma lividum which I have rehoused once, I felt like I was staring down the mouth of a tiger or something. She's fast and furious but luckily (er...can I really say luckily lol), she was more interested in biting than running as she kept attacking the box I was trying to transfer her with. If she had tried to run, I'd have been hosed.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
...she was more interested in biting than running as she kept attacking the box I was trying to transfer her with. If she had tried to run, I'd have been hosed.

In my limited experience this is the saving grace of a cobalt's temperament. As long as you keep your fingers out of the way it's not so bad. They just stand there and fang anything that gets close. Consequently rehousings aren't that hard once you've dug or flooded (or both) it out of a foot of webbed up soil...


Old Timer
Aug 23, 2007
LOL, yeah, I always take it as a grateful gift when my H livids don't bit me or run the two minute mile!

As for your two OBTs, LOL on the "ameteur wrestlers," would have loved to see that one. Have you gotten any little treat displays from either of them yet? I did with my 1.5" juvie and though I thought it was "Cute" I didn't have any desire to pat it's head and say, "there, there, little OBT.!"


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
...Have you gotten any little treat displays from either of them yet? I did with my 1.5" juvie and though I thought it was "Cute" I didn't have any desire to pat it's head and say, "there, there, little OBT.!"
Nah, nothing yet. Though to be honest, once the roach was toast I left Tazz alone. Poor little fella's been through a lot, so I figured I'd let him eat in peace. :)
Gypsy - my avic avic - on the other hand, usually sticks her butt up in the air once she's gotten some food. One time she even was doing a sort of "handstand" so to speak. Her mouth and front legs were on the piece of corkbark while her back legs were on the leaves above, with her booty just sort of hanging up in the air. It was quite strange (but adorable!).