What is everyones experience or opinions about this? I know about the H. gigas stories, diving into water bowels to get a gold fish. My Pamphobeteus plattyoma was chasing crickets the other day, and one cricket tried in vain to escape the reaper. It went into the water bowel, which is quite large to help maintain humidity. The T went up, and poked with it's leg at first, then after it found that the cricket stayed submerged, swimming around, the T just dove in and caught it!
But........the water bowel is about an inch and a half deep, not much of a problem for a 7" T. Kind of neat, though! Some people have claimed that T's only hunt in water in captivity, but I have an old reptile mag. here somewhere, called the "Vivarium", and they showed some treefrogs being preyed on by all kinds of frogs and lizards. They were frogs that were just coming out of the water,metamorphasizing, and still had the tails. And in the pic., they had a big T come up and wade out to a group of frogs, and grab one, and go back to land. It maybe waded to halfway up it's legs, at most. I think it was a Lasiodora, but I am not sure. I will try to find the pic., and post it. I am curious about other's opinions or stories they have heard?