's new show 'Killer Karaoke' dumps tropical reptiles in icy 40°F water


Nov 7, 2011
Tonight, as I am watching the show Killer Karaoke for the first time, which also happens to be a new episode, I was absolutely appalled when they had the idea to dump tropical snakes including, but not limited to, boa constrictors, ball pythons, carpet pythons, as well as American alligators in water that they defined as "10 degrees above freezing." I find this completely unacceptable. Sure, the people signed up for abuse, but definitely not the reptiles. I find this to be an obvious case of animal abuse for entertainment purposes. It appears this is not the only time they have done this, as I did find a clip (down below) of them dumping the reptiles in "icy water" but from a previous episode. What has me mystified is that I haven't heard anything out of PETA or such animal rights groups about this yet, although I never really looked into it. It is also unknown to me if people have mentioned this before to the producers of the show via email or the like. But I would like to know what is being done, or what I could do to resolve this issue to at least make the ignorant producers aware so they can avoid further stressing out and injuring the animals.
It is pretty obvious though, if cold water hurts the human contestants, why wouldn't it hurt the COLD BLOODED reptiles more?

One of many clips of dumping tropical snakes in "icy water"

Edit: How cute. They decided to put "No animals were injured in the making of this show" at the end. Seems legit.
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Need a herpitologist to weigh in on the cold water effects. Possibly it is completely harmless and it just makes them somnambulist. Also, from what I have been reading, the use of the words hurt and injured are subject to interpretation to wit, "Does not sustain traumatic injury". However, shortening of an animals life span or adverse long term affecting of various biological functions such as reproductive ability is not considered hurt or injured according to the popular definitions of the words..