Trichonephila clavata


Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
I want one of these like yesterday. I tried finding if it's actually classified as an invasive species and the legal ramifications if a person tried to obtain one from a farther away state. Anyone that could shed some light on the subject would be most appreciative.

Here's one link, you can literally find alot on this spider.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Wishing you the best of luck in your investigation. One theory has it that they have been transient on and off in the Florida area from before the present human invasion. Wholesale spraying of insecticides have interfered with what is known about them being a native species. No fossils etc have indicated their presence back in history but that doesn't mean much.
The major problem is they are highly susceptible to pesticides and disruptions - disturbances of their environment. They can vanish in a locale for years then reappear as they are doing here. (North Thailand next to recovering forest and destroyed watershed areas). People move in, they quickly vanish, forests recover, they reappear.

PS Modern farming methodology appears to be their #1 enemy. Cleared areas and regular pesticide use.
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
Wishing you the best of luck in your investigation. One theory has it that they have been transient on and off in the Florida area from before the present human invasion. Wholesale spraying of insecticides have interfered with what is known about them being a native species. No fossils etc have indicated their presence back in history but that doesn't mean much.
The major problem is they are highly susceptible to pesticides and disruptions - disturbances of their environment. They can vanish in a locale for years then reappear as they are doing here. (North Thailand next to recovering forest and destroyed watershed areas). People move in, they quickly vanish, forests recover, they reappear.

PS Modern farming methodology appears to be their #1 enemy. Cleared areas and regular pesticide use.
Thanks for that information I am most appreciative.

This is interesting, many of the scientific organizations and news channels in the U.S. reporting on this are stating could be beneficial to farmers.

Apparently they didn't do much research lol.