Treefrog Facts: Natural History as it Relates to Pet Care


Old Timer
Aug 31, 2009
Hi All,
The world is home to a mind-boggling assortment of fascinating treefrogs, many of which make wonderful pets. Included among the 1,200+ species that have adapted to life above-ground we find tiny, colorful gems, giants that will feed from one’s hand, gliders that sail through the treetops and a host of other delightfully unique frogs. Some, such as Red-Eyed and White’s Treefrogs, are pet trade staples. New species become available frequently…in recent years, for example, the bizarrely-beautiful Amazon Milk and Mossy Treefrogs have become “must haves” among serious frog enthusiasts.
White’s, Red-Eyed, Lemur, Green, Reed, Waxy Monkey, Mossy, Cuban, Asian Flying, Barking, White-Lipped and dozens of other treefrogs are available in the pet trade. An understanding of their natural history – how they live in the wild – is the first step in learning to provide them with proper care in captivity. This article will introduce you to their habits and habitats. The articles linked below provide specific information on their care and habits of some unusual species. Please be sure to post questions about the care of specific species below.
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Thanks, Frank
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