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Long story short, my work has to do with being outside, and occasionaly the destruction of naturual enviroments. Which brings me accross some intresting things, last week. it brought me two small treefrogs, local here to canada, I will try to get some pictures later mayhaps, but they are small (about 1-2") I set up a beautiful little five gallon tank for them, with a peat moss bottum over some moist soil, and al ittle perching rock. they spend their days stuck to the sides of the tank, or occasionaly sitting under the peat, only a small snout and head watching me.
I believe them both to be mails, as they both will chirp now or then (rather cute) and I havent noticed anything wrong or odd to them. one is a bit more neon then the other, but I believe it to be no more then a colourmorph!
However, they arn't eating! My previous frogs were voracious (whites tree frog) and would snap up anything, these. just ignore it. I've been so far trying local type insects. catapilars, beetles. flies. etc. Have been debating buying some crickets, but I figure I'd ask here, to see if it was normal behavior or perhaps my care has been misjudged?
5gall tank, w/ moss bottum, and 2 inch of soil to provide burrowing, if they were intrested.
large dry rock, out of the moist base, for them to rest upon
Tried for awhile to have a small pool of water for them to soak in, but they didnt seem intrested, and romoved it.
ambient temp is about 75F (19ish c) during the day
and about 65ish to 70ish during the night, ( 15-17c?)
not sure on humidity, other then I have managed to keep it fairly humid but dont have any humidity devices attached
I believe them both to be mails, as they both will chirp now or then (rather cute) and I havent noticed anything wrong or odd to them. one is a bit more neon then the other, but I believe it to be no more then a colourmorph!
However, they arn't eating! My previous frogs were voracious (whites tree frog) and would snap up anything, these. just ignore it. I've been so far trying local type insects. catapilars, beetles. flies. etc. Have been debating buying some crickets, but I figure I'd ask here, to see if it was normal behavior or perhaps my care has been misjudged?
5gall tank, w/ moss bottum, and 2 inch of soil to provide burrowing, if they were intrested.
large dry rock, out of the moist base, for them to rest upon
Tried for awhile to have a small pool of water for them to soak in, but they didnt seem intrested, and romoved it.
ambient temp is about 75F (19ish c) during the day
and about 65ish to 70ish during the night, ( 15-17c?)
not sure on humidity, other then I have managed to keep it fairly humid but dont have any humidity devices attached