I have a black trap door....we took pics of it when we got it....proof that there actually is a spider in there.......never see it......just the amazing disapearing crickets!
Mine made her burrow & her trap door in 1 day......very cool!
I know they will definately bite, not sure about the venom question though......and they are not the prettiest!
Someone please correct me if I am wrong on this but, I am relativley sure these spiders have a pretty potent venom. Around the strength of H.lividum if not stronger. Besides that you hardly (if ever) get to see them. They remain mostly under that trap door of theirs in wait to pounce on somthing that gets near them and drag them inside of their burrow to eat. I would wait and see what some of the veterans have to say about these before deciding on getting one.
I had an East African Shiny Grey tunneling spider for some time. It died after it's fang was stuck in a molt. It seemed fine for a while and even ate, but didn't make it. It was a cool spider and it built a neat horizontal Y shaped tunnel. It built it by the glass so I could see inside. It was aggressive.
I bought my Black trapdoor spider about 3 months ago. This picture was taken on the very same day I got it and I haven't seen it since!
It is an extremely aggressive species. When I was transfering it to its permanent living quarters it kept rearing up and waving its front legs at me. As I tried to 'nudge' it into its new home with a pair of fourceps it visciously attacked them.
The tunnel and perfect trapdoor were built over night. I put a cricket in and it is gone by morning. You never actually see it get snatched! The only evidence Of actual life is occasionaly, when I remove the dead remains of any uneaten crickets (with forceps!) I see the door pull down slightly. Like the spider is holding on tight underneath to stop me getting in.
I bought a trap door spider today for $69 (cdn). Of course, the owner did not have a scientific name. But based on this price, and the fact that it had a brown abdomen (this is all I could see) which would you "guess" it to be? I would think it is the most commonly available one on the market.
I am a little confused... a message was sent to my e-mail indicating that Papa Smurf had replied to this thread. However, when I go to it, there is no post to be found. Can someone enlighten me?
I am a little confused... a message was sent to my e-mail indicating that Papa Smurf had replied to this thread. However, when I go to it, there is no post to be found. Can someone enlighten me?
I wouldn't get another one. I thought it would interest me as much as tarantulas, but they are so different, and ugly! Tarantulas have a certain beauty about them, not just thier looks, but in the wau they move. I didn't find that with the Trap Door spider.
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