I think it's an even fight, but the scorp may have an advantage with the tail. If the T surprises the scorp it would probably win, as is a T's tactic to surprise, and over power. But the scorp could get hit, and then pierce the T w/ its tail... who knows, but yes, I think they do eat eachother when they encounter eachother in the wild...
scorps prefer to play the ambush game...although my Babycurus jacksoni's will chase a cricket around and catch it. Would also depend on the species of scorpion as most tarantulas are a good bit larger than scorpions...venom level would play a big role in this imo as one good bite from the T and it'd be screwed, but if a highly venomous species managed to inject a lil venom the tables might turn quickly.
i dunno lol...my B. jacksoni's are small compared to my Aphonopelma seemani, especially in regards to body mass.
Yep. Someone posted an escape incident here, and the 2 ended up in the same tank. I think both were of similar sizes, and one would think the scorp should be having the upper hand with the "armor"... but it turned out the T was too powerful.
Ts and Scorps will both eat other animal they can overpower, including each other as well as their own kind. A T will overpower and eat a smaller scorp but would glady do the same to a smaller T of the same species. The same holds true for scorps. If a T and Scorp of the same size meet, the winner would be the one lucky enough to inject it's venom first.
I would have to say I think a T would win most of the time though. They just seem alot stronger and quicker. I don't know much about scorps, but I think a T just looks faster, my H. Lividum can move at speeds I can't evens imagine, and I just think that a scorp doesn't look like its built to move like that.
well dconsider the tarantulas fangs daggers and 90% of the time the strike downward into the main body of the animal, so in one good strike a tarantula would msot likely impale through the scorpions body probly around or below the cephlathorax [or is it prosomoa in scorpions?] ending it right then and there as the scorpion would either be really weakend or dead from such a strike and since the scorpion would need to get its tail into play in order to subdue the tarantula it wouldn't have much of a chance, but it it were say a emporer vs a juvie or a dwarf spider the emperor could always grab the t by the legs and subdue it that way but then unless all 8 legs are grabbed the t could throw its legs and run
BTW: speed wise I've seen some veajeus species of scorp run as fast as my obts and for longer periods then my obt who darts and sits where as a veajus runs and runs and runs a good ten feet.
Interesting topic.. Not quite as fictional as "Superman vs. Spiderman" kinda stuff but
For me.. I've had a few Emperor Scorps.. I know they aren't the typical scorpion.. but as for BRUTE STRENGTH.. I'll go with the Scorpion..
My Emperor Scorp was almost 6-7 inches long with tail extended.. she was QUITE impressive..
Her claws alone could snip off T legs..
BUT again I'm reminded she wasn't typical..
Also factor in A t can remove non vital appendeges that will twitch and distract a potential predator such as a scorpion giving it time to attack or run, We should do what they did on that discovery channal show Animal face off I think it was cacled, calculate all the factors and produce a compter calculate simulation where the resuls would be tyopical for the numbers and give us a guide line because most should know exspecialy with inverts, they dont like to follow the rules that we set for them
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