Traded in the Old World


Oct 17, 2023
I was able to trade in that old world I posted about a couple days ago and got a Pterinopelma sazimai. Any advice? I found some resources and I know that it is an endangered species in its natural habitat and can also be kinda spicy so obviously any sort of handling is out of the question


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Their other words they can get moody and have an attitude
Yeah I don’t have one but I keep everything beside my phampho the same way on mostly dry substrate with a wet corner and once large enough a water dish. My Ts are all too skittish I couldn’t handle them if I wanted too. Not that I ever do or anything. Probably easy to find information on them if you search. 🔍


Jun 21, 2023
I was able to trade in that old world I posted about a couple days ago and got a Pterinopelma sazimai. Any advice? I found some resources and I know that it is an endangered species in its natural habitat and can also be kinda spicy so obviously any sort of handling is out of the question
They revised the species name, just FYI.

I have 2 myself. They're pretty reclusive and I only see them topside when hungry. They burrow extensively, both mine have multiple entrances to an elaborate tunnel system, so be sure to give them a lot of sub to dig.

I have not seen mine acting spicy so to speak, but they might be when they get bigger.


Oct 17, 2023
They revised the species name, just FYI.

I have 2 myself. They're pretty reclusive and I only see them topside when hungry. They burrow extensively, both mine have multiple entrances to an elaborate tunnel system, so be sure to give them a lot of sub to dig.

I have not seen mine acting spicy so to speak, but they might be when they get bigger.
Thank you 😊


Feb 28, 2022
Mine didn't seem big on food as a teeny sling, but it gained size super quick so that might be why. Now though, at only around an inch dls, it dives at any movement. Then curls up when it realises the movement is water. Or lifts up the one or two legs that it had placed in its water bowl as though I don't fill the water every time I open the enclosure...!
Fun little one for now.


Dipluridae Enthusiast
Old Timer
Dec 30, 2010
You've traded for a very beautiful species indeed. Make sure one corner is slightly moist/ over fill water bowl. If a sling use a pipette or something to drop a few droplets into vial. These spiders can be very reclusive, so don't always expect to see it. Will make it more special when you do though!


Oct 17, 2023
You've traded for a very beautiful species indeed. Make sure one corner is slightly moist/ over fill water bowl. If a sling use a pipette or something to drop a few droplets into vial. These spiders can be very reclusive, so don't always expect to see it. Will make it more special when you do though!
Thank you 😊


Arachnosupporter +
Jan 1, 2023
Ow? Oh my missed that one. In your time on the boards, have you come across anything mentioning a ladder system? It's where you basically "build up" your experience by starting out with the easy stuff and working up to the spicy stuff. I think my first old world was like my 50th T but the ladder system I've been following was building up to what I consider advanced species - fast and harder to keep alive. The epitome of this would be a moisture dependent fossorial old world, at least in my book. Never get to see the things, little room for husbandry mistakes, too late by the time you discover something wrong, and very painful consequences if you aren't following the 7ps. My personal belief is not to own anything that I'd be afraid to save it's life. Milestones along the way were the dinner plates: Pamphobeteus, Phormictopus, Xenesthis, then the fast and skittish ones: Psalmopoeus (a few different species because they act so different), Tapinauchineus, Ephebopus. My first Theraposa came at the same time as my first old world, a mystery box item but a T I never desired owning due to the husbandry requirements. But, now that I have, I would say it's a great last step before an old world on my ladder system.

If you spent time on Facebook before you came here, you will have had a false sense that handling is defensible behavior. It is not. It's usually a hard no around these parts, the spoon feeding is a breath of fresh air too... 🤣

But I am known to care more about animals feelings than humans (we all have our reasons why we are the way we are so don't take offense). So I'll be that guy... These are not dogs, they are goldfish. These are not Pokemon, you don't have to collect them all. NOTHING good comes from holding them. Those stupid disclaimers should read: "You are handling at THEIR risk because you want to hold your thing that you keep in a box it doesn't want to be in" Reddit is just a bunch of robots karma points farming (ahem) but the tarantulas sub is good. And they don't tolerate holding.

My L sazimai has been a top dweller since she broke 1". I made her an appropriate shelter which she retreated to if she felt the need, like when I opened the lid to feed. But she outgrew that too. Now she waits at the door. I've never seen much spice out of anybody as a result of giving them multiple places to hide, unless it was at the water dish 😂, but definitely not her. What resources did you get this from? Wikipedia and the tarantula collective stupidtube??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Every tarantula is different but if you make it a sucky home you will both have a worse time. I design my spicy enclosures so we don't have to cross each other's paths lol. The tricky part is keeping them alive in a larger space where they have lots of places to hide. But yeah, all mine does is stand in one spot and cleans herself.