I'm curious as to what the people of such a website think when it comes to the idea of handling their tarantulas?
I've had just a single tarantula for over a year now, but I've never handled it. I've always moved it using a container when I had to, and choose to not get it out to handle.
My reasons are I believe tarantulas are an observatory species, as oppose to a pet. My partner doesn't feel the same and she handled the T on a number of occasions. Each to their own I suppose!
I ask because the last person I told that I didn't handle my tarantulas gave me a bizzare response, as though I was lesser than those who do handle them? He doesn't own a tarantula of his own, so I'm of the opinion that those who know less, think or believe the idea of handling is a given "yes" idea.
What are your thoughts? Do you not handle your T's, if not, why? If you do, why do you choose to?
I've had just a single tarantula for over a year now, but I've never handled it. I've always moved it using a container when I had to, and choose to not get it out to handle.
My reasons are I believe tarantulas are an observatory species, as oppose to a pet. My partner doesn't feel the same and she handled the T on a number of occasions. Each to their own I suppose!
I ask because the last person I told that I didn't handle my tarantulas gave me a bizzare response, as though I was lesser than those who do handle them? He doesn't own a tarantula of his own, so I'm of the opinion that those who know less, think or believe the idea of handling is a given "yes" idea.
What are your thoughts? Do you not handle your T's, if not, why? If you do, why do you choose to?