Well spring is here, and that means great weather for shipping inverts. So my wife (curiousme) and I are going to start our first roach colony. We've been planning to do so for months but have been waiting on weather and finances. Thing is, all these months we've been planning on starting a colony of B. dubia, but in the last few weeks, we've decided B. lateralis is probably better suited; at least to our needs. We only have 3 adult T's and 2 adult scorps (P. imperator), but we do have 2 juvie Ts, 8 slings, and a dozen or so scoplings. So we thought the size of the lats would be better suited to them than the dubias. Add to that the better feeding success people claim, and the non-burrowing behavior, and we were sold. Plus they're cheaper and breed faster than dubias, making it possible for us to buy fewer (200) as we're on a tight budget.
Neither one of us were ever worried about their speed, or handling them or anything. We were placing an order for 100 adults and 100 nymphs, and the dealer said he'd sell us 2 different sized nymphs instead because the adults were too hard for him to catch/to deal with!!! That's what we're going to be dealing with. So now we're wondering, how bad are they really? I mean we're used to dealing with crix running around and randomly jumping (pinheads are the worst), but we're trying to get roaches to get away from that. If they're as bad as crix, or worse, then I don't know that I still want them.
Also, I thought their smell wasn't supposed to be bad compared to crix, but recently I've been reading otherwise. I don't mind a slight smell, but the cricket stench is one of the reasons I don't want crickets. I've read that if properly maintained, the smell isn't "that bad", but I've read that about crix too, and what is "that bad" anyway. I don't want them if they're too stinky.
So how do you think lats compare to crix?
Are lats really that fast, and how is the smell??
Is it odd this dealer doesn't want to deal with the adults when he has many other roach colonies??
Would we be better off with dubias? (neither of us have roach experience, but we aren't squeamish, and weren't even worried about it until the dealer didn't want to handle them)
Neither one of us were ever worried about their speed, or handling them or anything. We were placing an order for 100 adults and 100 nymphs, and the dealer said he'd sell us 2 different sized nymphs instead because the adults were too hard for him to catch/to deal with!!! That's what we're going to be dealing with. So now we're wondering, how bad are they really? I mean we're used to dealing with crix running around and randomly jumping (pinheads are the worst), but we're trying to get roaches to get away from that. If they're as bad as crix, or worse, then I don't know that I still want them.
Also, I thought their smell wasn't supposed to be bad compared to crix, but recently I've been reading otherwise. I don't mind a slight smell, but the cricket stench is one of the reasons I don't want crickets. I've read that if properly maintained, the smell isn't "that bad", but I've read that about crix too, and what is "that bad" anyway. I don't want them if they're too stinky.
So how do you think lats compare to crix?
Are lats really that fast, and how is the smell??
Is it odd this dealer doesn't want to deal with the adults when he has many other roach colonies??
Would we be better off with dubias? (neither of us have roach experience, but we aren't squeamish, and weren't even worried about it until the dealer didn't want to handle them)