It depends on the size of the s'ling. My C. crawshayi is around the 1" mark and is doing well on a dry substrate. I make sure it has access to water at all times. In general C. crawshayi prefer drier conditions.cloud711 said:i thought slings need moist environment in order to help them molt or something?![]()
You don't want to keep them incredibly dry, but in a deli cup with an inch or two of substrate, a decent sized water dish and minimal ventilation, you should be fine. They're not as delicate as you might think. If you're not using a water dish yet, it's fine to add a bit of water to the substrate. When I had Citharischius slings with no dishes, I just added water when I fed them (once a week or so) if the substrate was dry. They were never wetter than just damp. After a while you develop a feel for moisture levels and quit worrying about it.cloud711 said:i thought slings need moist environment in order to help them molt or something?![]()