tigrinawesseli out for a stroll.....?


Curator of glass boxes
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
I left my T's to thier vices for a couple days, and apparently left my tigrina to explore my apt.....{D I always feed my pokies and hots last, and lastly of all I feed recently bred/mated/ or gravid pets.....my "tigris" was last on Wed.. Apparently as I closed the lid (or perhaps before) she made an exit and I blissfully went off for a couple days. After I came home this morning I peered into her cork tube and found notta, dug around the plants.....notta, emptied the tank....NOTHING....:wall: So began the hunt for my first escape in a very long time.
I tore my room apart starting at the tank, down to the floor, then closckwise in a top to bottom fashpin, then vise versa.....I finally found her behind my desert terrarium. I decided to take a pic to remind me of how amazingly observant I am....and she decided to reinforce my previous mistake, right after the pic she darted into my closet. Weeeee, what fun we are having at 1 am.....:D After another intensive search she was found in a sleeve, looking comfy. I pinned her and put her in her tank by hand.....another very wise choice :p

scar is my t

Old Timer
Mar 2, 2008
what ever u do never look away from it to get a camra.....they are like lepracons