This froggy's growing on me


Old Timer
Dec 9, 2005
The Horned Frog captured my heart. It's so adorable. I've been doing some reading and they seem pretty alright to me but I do have some questions:

- how sensitive are they towards temperature change and humidity change? i'm from Malaysia and the temperature is 28*C on average. Would daily misting be sufficient or do I have to install some sort of auto mister? I've had experience with newts and it wasn't good. It was too sensitive with the temperature and water quality. sigh.

- do they actually need special lighting? My critter room has natural (but not direct) sunlight in the day time and I only on the lights at night for about an hour when i'm feeding my critters (all happen to be nocturnal)

- do they get agressive as they age?

- how hardy are they?

thanks :)

Wee Man

Mar 19, 2006
By horned frogs im assuming you mean Ceratophyrs ornata, common name "pac-Man" frog, or argenine horned frog.

These frogs are quite possibly some of the easiest frogs to care for, simply provide a water dish for soaking, a semi humid environment, and food. Thats really it, make sure not to overfeed because these frogs are known to eat more food than they can digest. If they eat to much they will die. These frogs are voracious eaters and will attempt to eat ANYTHING they see, be it another frog (even a conspecific), or even your fingers. They make great pets though.



Old Timer
Oct 10, 2004
Great frogs, however certain individuals are prone to biting as they mature, others do not, it depends on the frog. They are very hardy as long as they are captive bred. The humidity on my pac tanks is 70-85, I use glass lids, no screen!

UVB lighting is recommended unless you feed pinky/adult mice often, just remember that glass filters out 95% of UVB so thats the single downside to it, the screen tops only filter out 50%. I keep glass lids with UVB florescents on my tanks and the temp is approx 80 during the day, no problems yet!

Good luck!