They grow up so fast....


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2009
I got a *teeny* tiny baby H. mac from Mr. Bug Guy, Ken back on March 14th of this year. I could barely see the little bugger when I got it. .25" maybe? I put the little one in a tiny vial, but had to transfer it into a deli-cup very shortly after because the sticks I used had gotten moldy (note: chopsticks are NOT GOOD to use in vials/cups/enclosures....had this happen twice, but only with chopsticks).

Vinnie promptly burrowed himself in the substrate, seeming to make new exit holes and tunnels daily! He ate like a champ! I would toss in a legless medium/large cricket or a whole pinhead and only saw the remains the next day. :) Unfortunately, I had not seen Vinnie since the day I transferred him, but he is great about tossing his molts out of the tunnels so that I can document when that happens.

Schedule is as follows:

Received: 3/14/09
First molt: 3/19/09
Transfer: 3/25/09
Molt: 5/22/09
Molt: 7/4/09
Molt: 8/20/09

Today, I got home from work and immediately checked on all the kids (like normal). Vinnie was not only out of hiding, he was on the side of the cup, perfectly visible!!! I picked up the cup and he zoomed around a few times and then settled. He's about 1.5" long now and doesn't feel the need to hide in the substrate! I'm so excited! One of my babies is growing up. :)


Old Timer
Oct 21, 2007
ha! yeah I have a .25" too. It's SUCH freakin slow grower but I am going to giver it a buffet tomorrow to gore itself.


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
Schedule is as follows:

Received: 3/14/09
First molt: 3/19/09
Transfer: 3/25/09
Molt: 5/22/09
Molt: 7/4/09
Molt: 8/20/09
So your molts are about every 6 weeks - mine are molting every 4 1/2 - 5 weeks - they're all slings/juveniles - I'm getting pretty good at predicting their pre-molt/molt dates to within a few days ... and you're right, the time passes so quickly - with several days to a week of pre-molt fasting, and a week of post-molt recovery fasting, there is basically a 2-3 week window for feeding before the whole process starts again. The only one that isn't showing a remarkable increase in size after a molt is my Chaco - I have no explanation for this other than that maybe that's just the way Chacos are ....:?


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2009
So your molts are about every 6 weeks - mine are molting every 4 1/2 - 5 weeks - they're all slings/juveniles - I'm getting pretty good at predicting their pre-molt/molt dates to within a few days ... and you're right, the time passes so quickly - with several days to a week of pre-molt fasting, and a week of post-molt recovery fasting, there is basically a 2-3 week window for feeding before the whole process starts again. The only one that isn't showing a remarkable increase in size after a molt is my Chaco - I have no explanation for this other than that maybe that's just the way Chacos are ....:?
Predicting molts is way too easy now that I document everything. Takes away a little bit of the surprise, but it's fun to see how close I get with it! I have a little B. smithi that I received at .25" a while back. I'm not near my spreadsheet right now, but if I remember right, she's molted 3 times, about 6-8 weeks apart. I don't think she's grown more than a millimeter in all that time! I went from, "Where's the spider? Is there really a spider in that cup?" to "Now I can see the spider! ....I think." :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Jul 18, 2009
Chopsticks Bad!

...had to transfer it into a deli-cup very shortly after because the sticks I used had gotten moldy (note: chopsticks are NOT GOOD to use in vials/cups/enclosures....had this happen twice, but only with chopsticks).
Same thing happened to me. I had chopsticks in 5 aboreal enclosers and they all molded. Thought they would be good since they're bamboo (not pine or ceder).



Old Timer
Mar 15, 2009
Julia, if you ever want to get together sometime over coffee (or cocoa!) and talk bugs, let me know. :)

I was VERY fortunate that my little Aphonopelma sling made his burrow so that it looped against the side of his acrylic enclosure. I haven't seen him out since he dug himself in, but i have a window into his private world. :)