Theres one more OBT in heaven


Oct 25, 2009
So feeling a bit down today. Found our OBT (Gina) dead last night. When I got home from work I did the usual rounds checking on our girls and it occured to me that I hadnt seen her for a week or so, that in itself isnt odd cos her tank is so webbed up and she hides away. I do usually see a leg poking out here or there or a bit of movement in the web. So I asked my bf if he had seen her and when he said he hadnt I started to worry.

So with much trepidation I looked on while he gently tried to move some of the web away in order to find her, well after a little while he found her, and to start with it looked like she was moulting I thought it best to leave her and not stress her out incase it messed up the moult......then he spotted a cricket in there :( . While trying to get him out ended up moving quite a bit more web and it became apparent that she was fully out of the moult but there were no signs of life.

I am pretty gutted about this, for a few reasons. We hadnt had her that long, only about a 8 months or so, she was an anniversary present from me to him. Mainly I feel massivly guilty about it. I mean we had no idea she was going to moult, she had not really shown signs of it, but then again without seeing her all that much it would have been hard to tell. I place myself 100% responsible for not checking on her better and making sure no un eaten crickets were removed, but I just didnt see it :(. The other horrid thing about it is that its made me loose heart in the hobby a bit, I mean if I cant look after them properly I shouldnt have them should I :( I def think I wouldnt get an arboreal again it just seems like they are too difficult to look after.

Got the awful job of cleaning out her tank this afternoon, dont really know what to do with her body either...just feel rubbish about this whole thing.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I am so, so sorry :(

Please don't blame yourself.. everyone makes mistakes. Just recently, I put a cricket in my P. pederseni sling's cage.. only to have him molt hours later. Luckily, he did it up in his webbing and the cricket was on the floor of his enclosure... but it still freaked me out, and I criticized myself with "Shoulda been more observant/careful.. I'm lucky that ended well.. etc." for the rest of that day before I realized.. it really doesn't do much good to beat yourself up over it, but it's hard not to :(



Old Timer
Apr 22, 2009
Firstly, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss, it is always very sad to lose a t.

Secondly, I really wouldn't beat yourself up regarding the cricket. It is entirely possible that the cricket had no part to play in the incident. Moulting is a hugely risky event to undertake and there's a plethora of reports of things going wrong. Also, with the heavy webbers, they generally make a moult chamber which I'd be surprised if a cricket made it's way into.

Don't lose heart! Ts are amazing and unfortunately at times fragile, which all adds to the challenge. You certainly sound like you know what you're doing when it comes to keeping Ts so I really don't think you need doubt yourself either


Oct 30, 2009
im sorry about your loss. we have lost a couple of Ts and even a scorpion (also an anniversary gift). it is never easy but always a learning experience. you just can't beat yourself up about it. things happen. even the best and most experienced T keepers lose a T from time to time. again, so sorry about your loss.


Oct 25, 2009
Thanks for the support guys. After closer inspection this evening it looks like she didnt come out of the moult properly, some of her legs were still inside . Doesnt really make me feel better though.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Truly, I am sorry for your loss. Losing a beloved pet is always a hard ordeal, and premature death almost always leaves the owner beating themselves up over it.

I don't think it was your fault you lost the T. Sometimes these things happen. Don't be so hasty to attribute her death to your husbandry skills until you've lost two or three OBTs under identical, or near-identical circumstances.


Old Timer
Sep 9, 2009
*hugs Audrey16*

Don't lose heart, there are many Ts that need a loving owner.
We all make mistakes, and you try.
There are people that don't really try and just get Ts as a novelty or accessory. Now those people shouldn't keep Ts.

So pick yourself up by the tarantula tarsal claws and keep on taking care of these awesome creatures :)


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2009
I'm so sorry for your loss. :(
Don't let it dampen the hobby for you though... tarantulas are fragile creatures. One dying doesn't mean you don't know how to look after one, sometimes it just happens... honestly, yours sounds like it was caught more in a naturally bad molt rather than the cricket having anything to do with it.


Aug 30, 2009
I'm sorry to hear about your OBT, Audrey.

I'll re-iterate what others have already said: don't blame yourself. Truthfully, for as much as we know about T's there is a world more of things we don't know. Why some T's molt fine and others have problems no one really knows, especially if we're doing the right things for them. Doesn't make it any easier for the loss of your Gina, but look at it this way: for the time she was here she was clearly loved. No one animal from insect to mammal can ask for more.

Chin up, and keep on trucking.


Old Timer
Sep 9, 2007
The first thought that ran through my head when I saw this thread was:

"None of the OBTs I know will be going to Heaven."

That being said, my condolences on your loss. It always sucks when you lose a T, but moreso when they've got additional meaning (IE anniversary gift). Sorry to hear about this, but at least you've got a tank that needs filling....

I suppose there may be a silver lining, however faint. :eek: