The worst or most depressing part of this hobby.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Each one of you might have a different opinion about what is the worst part of this hobby, but for me it is unexpected T death. Its occurrence is not common, but when it happens, it bums me out a bit. Last night I had a Xenesthis immanis sling go through a bad molt. It was placed in an ICU set up, but this morning it was barely twitching. I have no doubt that I'll return from work to find it dead. The other slings including more X. immanis are doing well, so I can't find a husbandry issue that may be the cause. It was eating well and as far as I could tell it was doing fine until last night. I realized nearly 2 decades ago this is a part of keeping live animals, but it still sucks every time it occurs. Sorry for the "death sucks" rant.


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
First, I'm so sorry that your sling isn't doing well. Second, there is no reason to apologize. I'm sure everyone here feels the same way you do. It does, very much, stink that things like that happen. I'm so sorry!


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
Sorry about the X. sling, it really is tough. Its especially bad when its unexplainable. It makes you question if you're really cut out for keeping Ts, especially considering they're "so easy" to keep. Of course, after 2 decades of it, I would say you know what you are doing. It might just have been a weak individual. After all, not all slings are necessarily meant for survival :(


Old Timer
Feb 23, 2009
Sorry to hear about your loss. :(

For me the hardest part is being a traveler at the moment, I cannot own any Ts of my own and have to rely on my past experience and observing my friend's Ts and make observations. I still keep up on a regular basis on discussions and try to learn as much as I can. Heck , I even have a budget lined up for when I get home to start myself up again, but until then it itches everyday not being able to have my own spiders!

although living in australia I get some pretty interesting ones in my backyard... :D


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
yea it definitely suks to have the surprise deaths but thats why they have so many babies ranging from the few to many babies each sac.

The Spider Faery

Old Timer
Apr 19, 2009
The most depressing part so far for me is having a T. end up being a pet hole when I didn't expect it, so I don't get to see it. Maybe it's just in premolt or something and doesn't want to be disturbed or maybe it'll change habits as it comes out 'spiderlinghood', but so far one of mine has disappointingly taken to burrowing and closing off the top of the burrow no matter how often I take the top off of it, so I guess I'll just have to let it be.

On the upside, one of the positives so far is that I've got a freebie that I wasn't sure I'd like at first that is turning out to be quite the interesting pet and a fabulous eater. :clap:

I hope you meant for this thread to be open to discussing each of our most depressing aspects of the hobby, but if it was just meant to be an annoucement on how you're upset about the death of the T. I do want to sympathize, even though I haven't had it happen yet.
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Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
The most depressing part so far for me is having a T. end up being a pet hole when I didn't expect it, so I don't get to see it. Maybe it's just in premolt or something and doesn't want to be disturbed or maybe it'll change habits as it comes out 'spiderlinghood', but so far one of mine has disappointingly taken to burrowing and closing off the top of the burrow no matter how often I take the top off of it, so I guess I'll just have to let it be.

On the upside, one of the positives so far is that I've got a freebie that I wasn't sure I'd like at first that is turning out to be quite the interesting pet and a fabulous eater. :clap:

I hope you meant for this thread to be open to discussing each of our most depressing aspects of the hobby, but if it was just meant to be an annoucement on how you're upset about the death of the T. I do want to sympathize, even though I haven't had it happen yet.

if you have a burrower, thats what they i think you should know that much at least before getting a spider. if it webs up the opening, leave it be!


Old Timer
Jun 29, 2008
awww man, that does suck... Two months ago, I lost a female B. vagans, and last week I lost a MM G. rosea. The rosea was expected, but still sucked.

The Spider Faery

Old Timer
Apr 19, 2009
if you have a burrower, thats what they i think you should know that much at least before getting a spider. if it webs up the opening, leave it be!
I never said it was a "burrower". I said this one in particular has taken to burrowing. It's not a burrowing species, per say, so that's why I was surprised at its behaviour. Don't insult my intelligence, because I did research beforehand and research quite a bit on many, many species, even though I don't own many.


Old Timer
Jan 22, 2009
I lost my first sling and it does suck! She had a bad molt n try as I might to free her legs with water she jerked and 2 came off. She did fine for 2 weeks, ate, webbed, idk what happened. It sucks... Sorry for your loss:(


Old Timer
Sep 25, 2006
i have several points to make on this thread :)

- unexpected T death, ESPECIALLY when the tarantula was already sold to someone.. :wall:

- packing up tarantulas that are very defensive or nature, kick hair like mad, or are very jumpy/skittish in nature. (i tell you what, 2nd instar H maculata are about the most annoying T's i've ever dealt with.. :mad: )

- 2nd instar / baby spiders. it's really hard not to stress out over them, worrying about them drying up, not eating, etc.

- i personally start getting the 'overwhelmed' feeling once i hit the '150 spider' mark. that's why i'm switching over to mostly just avics and pokies, they are my favorites.