The Vanishing T!


Old Timer
Aug 23, 2007
I had just received my T order with new additions inside the box. Two females. As I opened it, I was so excited! I opened P lugardi first, she was gorgeous. Then I opened C brachycephalus. She jumped out, landed on the floor and poof, she was gone. I mean totally vanished. It was that simple. A certain four letter word was all I could keep saying.

Now keep in mind, I'm not the best housekeeper in the world. The floor was ah, not entirely visible so I looked in every box, bag and piece of paper, under everything on the floor... In the ENTIRE house! Took me almost an hour. I mean I scoured the place. She was still gone.

Two things then happened, I vowed to forever be a better housekeeper and I had to finally pull out the refridgerator. :wall: I knew in my heart of hearts I wouldn't find her there. There remained only one single place to look. Under the dishwasher. :eek: (Imagine spooky music now playing.) There is nothing under that except dust, L hesperus webs, with the black ladies in them of course and old diatoms from my pre-T days of roaches that did not get fed to them.

It's nearly impossible to see under it, there is no grate thingy in front but with water hoses, electrical wires growing like vines and tubes everywhere I hated the possibilities. I could bit, she could be lost in there forever or worse. I just didn't want to go there.

Finally, with it being the only place I hadn't looked, I laid down on my floor, again, and peered into the black and cavernous wasteland. I got a small stick and started poking around, after removing many hesperus webs in my way, and I saw something move, a leg. I was either enticing a hesperus out onto my hand or I was in luck.

I withdrew the stick I was using and reached as far above and beyond the spider as I could. The last thing I wanted to do was drive it further back into the ever-darker depths. If she was deep in there it's where she would stay, my dishwasher is hard wired and bolted into the cabinets. I moved on to more descriptive four letter words.

I coaxed and prodded until the leg I first saw, started moving toward me. I had my hand ready to pick it up or direct it into a cup, come what may. Was I about to catch a T or was I about to get caught? It was a good day. The leg came closer and as it appeared in the light I could see it was attached to a hairy body, not a slick black one. My T was found! I corralled her and refused to take my eyes off her until it was safely into her own deli cup. Huge sigh. I ran around the house yelling, "Whoo-hoo," to any rats, cats, or T's listening. What the heck, they all think I'm crazy anyway.

Moral of the story: If you want to find a missing T, start thinking like one. Look for the darkest, most difficult place for your person to find you and head on in!

Now, on to cleaning my kitchen!


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2008
Great story!! {D Glad to hear you found your T, I'm always worried they will vanish, I end up opening everything inside a large tote, and even then I worry I'll eventually have one bolt before I can process whats happening. Congrats on getting her back though!


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2008
wow gr8 story, the way u write it... oh man it's delicious. U GOT ME LITTERALY EYE GLUED TO THE SCREEN. Your way of writting things got me really in love with the story.

Gr8 that u found it, congrats!


c'est ma

Old Timer
Sep 17, 2006
Great story, esp. since it ended well! :) Your housekeeping can't be worse than mine--don't waste time on it, life isn't long enough. :D