Feedback The Search Engine

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
@Arachnopets Has anyone given any thought to improving the AB search engine functions? Note I didn't flag MrD here as this is very old news topic and possible source of migraines.
Calling it like it is, the search function of ZenF is Proboards warmed over and we seem stuck with it. Can it be improved? The aggravation is Google search is more capable of finding old AB threads than the existing engine. Yesterday I wanted to find posts of a certain AB member. Entered him several different ways and the forum handed me zilch. Cut and paste his name into Google and it handed me a half dozen hits.
I'll go crawl back under my rock now.


He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
There will be improvements made to the search on AB and it will be available when we next upgrade. As to when that will happen, that's another story.


Feb 28, 2022
Just wanted to add to this, if there is anything I can help with in this regard (or others, but this one is a bugbear of mine due to having written search functions xD), please do give me a shout. Can't promise lots of time/availability but I'll help where I can, or guide, if you let me know the specifics of the forum back end.

Tricky when hoping to find groups in my local area since 'UK' isn't an acceptable search term 😅 Of course Google can be used, but I think it is a natural habit to go to the built in search - probably why some sites simply have Google drive theirs and default to searching for content on their servers.

Either way, thanks for the efforts in upkeep and providing this platform. I was new to tarantulas only last April, after being fascinated by them for years and finally overcoming my arachnophobia enough to keep them. Quickly noticed when researching properly before getting any that the information available in many places was contradictory to one another, varied widely, and rarely included background information to inform the methods presented for keeping each tarantula. Then I landed here, and had my suspicions confirmed - as well as gaining access to a whole wealth of far more detailed and interesting information and discussions.

So, sincerely, thank you. To all of you who keep this forum ticking - including the long time members. For someone who believes they are always learning, will never know everything but wants to know as much as possible and understand as much as possible - particularly where that relates to animals in my care - this site is a valuable resource.