Hey all,
I haven't been here in months and months, and i'd imagine most people don't even know who I am. But, for those of you who do, hi again! I hope everyone is doing well.
Peso is doing fine. He's been moltless for about 6 months now, but he denied a cricket a few days ago, so i'm hopeful.
My dilema is one of experience. I have credit with a dealer i will soon see, and I was supposed to get a avic versi from him, but it died mid-molt a few days ago. now i have a $60 credit with this guy, and i'm trying to find a replacement.
I'd really really like to get a Acanthoscurria Geniculata, but according to the trusty arachnopets caresheets, they're quite tempermental, and this will be only my second tarantula. Should I risk the feisty species, or should i get a Brachyplema Auratum (or) Boehmei instead?
Anyone who is reading this who remembers me, please help and submit youy opinion. You folks taught me everything i know so far, afterall.
thanks everyone, sorry for the length,
I haven't been here in months and months, and i'd imagine most people don't even know who I am. But, for those of you who do, hi again! I hope everyone is doing well.
Peso is doing fine. He's been moltless for about 6 months now, but he denied a cricket a few days ago, so i'm hopeful.
My dilema is one of experience. I have credit with a dealer i will soon see, and I was supposed to get a avic versi from him, but it died mid-molt a few days ago. now i have a $60 credit with this guy, and i'm trying to find a replacement.
I'd really really like to get a Acanthoscurria Geniculata, but according to the trusty arachnopets caresheets, they're quite tempermental, and this will be only my second tarantula. Should I risk the feisty species, or should i get a Brachyplema Auratum (or) Boehmei instead?
Anyone who is reading this who remembers me, please help and submit youy opinion. You folks taught me everything i know so far, afterall.
thanks everyone, sorry for the length,