The herp cmmunity may be in trouble


Old Timer
Apr 18, 2008
I don't want the mods to take this off b/c this is what us as the herp community are up against these sorta people messin with us and making us sound like a bad group of people. Write this person a message telling him he is wrong and lay out the facts


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
This guy is a typical Animal Rights Nazi. If you go to his YouTube page, all these pop-ups appear, from him, ranting against not just keeping "dangerous pets", and feeding cute widdle bunny wabbits and mousies to them, but against hunting, and pretty much everything else that involves animals and humans. He uses loaded language like "proof that hunters REALLY want animals to suffer" and other loads of horse hockey-typical AR BS. Wouldn't surprise me if he's not a member of ALF.



Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
I have to agree to disagree I guess?
I disagree with the whole live feedings being bad to a degree. I agree that animals feed on other live animals, I disagree with a group of people giggling about it in the back. I find that people who humor an animal or anything else dieing fairly morbid.

I disagree that hunting is bad. People hunted to feed themselves and some people even find it a sport (not me personally). I disagree with the video on his main page of the elk that was shot but still alive. Instead of gabbing they should have just shot it again and put it out of its misery.

I have to agree with him on the whole youtube animal cruelty thing. People have been posting some pretty horrible videos on there including the one that made it to the news about a soldier in Iraq who threw the puppy off a cliff. Some people are just f'ed in the head.

Will Hunting

Old Timer
May 22, 2008
I have to agree to disagree I guess?
I disagree with the whole live feedings being bad to a degree. I agree that animals feed on other live animals, I disagree with a group of people giggling about it in the back. I find that people who humor an animal or anything else dieing fairly morbid.

I disagree that hunting is bad. People hunted to feed themselves and some people even find it a sport (not me personally). I disagree with the video on his main page of the elk that was shot but still alive. Instead of gabbing they should have just shot it again and put it out of its misery.

I have to agree with him on the whole youtube animal cruelty thing. People have been posting some pretty horrible videos on there including the one that made it to the news about a soldier in Iraq who threw the puppy off a cliff. Some people are just f'ed in the head.

I was going to post about the same thing, but since you typed it up for me, I won't have to. xD

I agree with you 100% on all of that. Good work! Now I'd like MLA format and works cited, please. ^_^


Old Timer
Jan 18, 2008
if you want to know what is really going on regarding this in the herp community, check this place out

this could potentially turn the tables on the Animal Protection Institute (API) and PETA. contact these people and get the full story of what these organizations are doing. it sucks.


Old Timer
Apr 18, 2008
Humans are animals. We interact with other animals....thats how an ecosystem works.........


Old Timer
May 8, 2008
There's a reason I'm not part of peta anymore... Crazy people...
PETA is bull crap anyway. They kill more animals themselves than actual people do. No one gives a crap to do the research and stop these idiots all becuase it's trendy to be apart of something like this.

There's a difference between live feedings and throwing a dog off a cliff. Live feedings happen in the wild. It's a luxury to kill an animal before feeding it to said pet.

I can see all sides, but I can't stand extremists. :wall:


Old Timer
Nov 11, 2008
Guess they expect us to teach animals not to eat meat as well. Now don't get me wrong real crulty does need to be stopped but some people can tend to go a little over board. I've seen some sick stuff on you tube. But Sorry peta people but don't agree with all your views.
So what are they gonna do about a snake eatting a mouse in the wild kill it...;P wait doesn't that make you as bad as the evil snake. LOL :? :D {D


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
I'm sorry but if that guy eats meat, then I think he is full of it. He just does not like cute things being fed.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
I'm sorry but if that guy eats meat, then I think he is full of it. He just does not like cute things being fed.

"Cute things being fed to snakes" isn't his point; people keeping snakes in the first place is what he really has such a gripe about. It's just easier to get other people to see things HIS way if he presents it in such a way as to appeal to the emotions of others. That's what the whole AR tactic is based on-emotion, not logic. He's pushing this on two fronts, knowing he if he can't raise the ire of people who think bunnies are too cute to be eaten by other animals, by showing pics of cute rabbits and knowing that people will feel sorry for them, and he's also playing the "fear card", by repeatedly referring to snakes as "dangerous pets", taking advantage of many people's ignorance of snakes and their subsequent fear of them. People are supposed to be outraged by the notion that this adorable little rabbit is soon to be attacked and eaten by another animal, because a bad ole' HUMAN wanted this to happen, and that there are bad ole' humans who want to put not only the lives of bunnies in jeopardy, but the lives of their neighbors and their neighbors' children as well, by keeping such a deadly animal that is bound to escape sooner or later and slaughter half the city when it does. The intent is to paint as horrific a picture of people who have snakes as possible, making it easier to turn the laws against them. This is the same tactic they've been successfully using when it comes to "pit bulls"-make sure that every incident involving a "pit bull", no matter how trivial(notice that "pit bulls" make the news for chasing cats, but not other dogs...hmmmm)makes headline news everywhere to convince the public that these are far too dangerous to live safely among us, while also convincing them that anyone who keeps such a dog is a cruel and evil person who gets gratification from the pain and suffering of other living things, and that we are all people who try to live "above the law" and do all sorts of other awful things besides fight dogs and throw helpless puppies and kittens to our horrible killer dogs so they can be torn apart while we watch. The goal of the AR movement is to convince the public that certain animals(from an ever-growing list, now including Salmonella-carrying hamsters)are just too dangerous to live among people, especially children, and that people who keep such animals are anti-social, unpleasant, cruel, law-breaking psychopaths ourselves. The public will be scared and outraged, and will turn to the Big Brother government for protection, further empowering the politicians, who are getting handsome kick-backs from the powerful AR lobby, and all the while, the public has no clue who is behind it all, or that at some point, something THEY love and cherish is going to be taken away from THEM in the name of stopping cruelty or protecting others.
