The Halls Newest Baby!!


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2006
We would like to introduce our newest "child"..her name is Tzigane.. which is Hungarian for gypsy.. (pronounced.. zjig an yah). She is a Komondor.. my second of this breed. Since they are so stinkin cute at this age, I added a picture of her dad so those who havent actually gotten to see this breed can get a good look at the cords of the adults.. for the dog show fanatics out there, hes been in the ring alot and is currently the number 8 dog in his breed. I have high hopes for this little girl.. well at least as soon as we can get all the dirt out of her coat I do !! Cant wait until shes actually white again.. three cups of woolite, and a good soak ought to do it!! Unless anyone wants to point me towards a good sheep shampoo that is..


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
Those have always been my favorite to look at at the shows!! Very facinating dog!
Are you going to let her get the dredlocks as well? Ive seen ppl who have them and they put them in hair "bungies" to hold all the locks so they dont get tangled up when they play. Its kind of cute. Seems like a lot of work though.


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2006
Its definately not an easy coat to deal with!! Puppies are so fuzzy and cute, and then all of a sudden its a tangled, matted mess. That is good news however, because without the matts... there could be no cords. In order to show them, they have to have the cords, and they have to be well into the cording process by the time they are two. As they start to matt the hair seems to turn into velcro.. whatever touches it sticks to it, and once something is in, its very hard to get out.. I have sat with tweezers trying to get a single piece of red lint out.. was a nightmare!! Keeping her clean once she hits the cording stage will be easier now that I have adopted the Afghan Hound trick of the bodysuit. It will keep her covered from head to toe and clean. Some dont agree with using things like this and say let the dog be a dog, however, I say she can be a dog.. in a body suit!! When its warm out and she wants to take a romp in the grass she can do it with booties on to keep her feet clean. To some its just too much work to take care of the coat, so they shave them down.. but to others, including myself, seeing them in full coat looking all white and spiffy is well worth the three hour bath and the six hour blow dry that it takes once a week to keep them looking like that.