conclusion: dont ever underestimate speed and power of Poecilotheria. In any case, this is a pretty docile specimen, but i was stupid to have her in an environment with such easy escape routes. USE BATHTUBS, be smart. The pictures are amusing and the situation was as well, but there is no way to tell when a situation can turn bad. Amen.
Geez, Id have either moved or been freaking bad. LOL , I check on my Cobalt all the time to make sure shes' in her place. But glad you got T back in its home
hi, Poecilotheria along with Stromatopelma, Heteroscodra, Selenocosmia, and Pterinochilus are the main perpetraters for venom. No one has been reported to die from any T bite, but it does help to know your spiders. I have handled the Fasciata and she is a pretty docile specimen so i was not too worried when she made a break for it. Psalmopeus is usually skiddish as well but I handle them without problems.
Bdoc21, I love genus Psalmopeus, They grow like weeds, are tolerant to handling imho, and have great colors.
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