H. gigas grooming
H. gigas cute defensive attack on a leaf
H. gigas digging
Thank you! I really don't know the answer. I used a Sony Standard Definition (SD) camera (DCR-DVD608E) to take the vid. I think the resolution is 704x480. I produced the vids with imovie and then upload them to youtube. After a while, there is a "high quality" vid.
I am switching to an HD camera so I'm trying out Final Cut Express. Hope it will work with Youtube new HD capability.
Macro view of a Chromatopelma cyaneopubescence
Macro view of a Acanthoscurria geniculata
I took 4 refilling water clips to test my camera. Here are the other 2
Filling P. regalis water dish.
HD link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yJzPpNGLo0&fmt=22
Awesome videos. You have got some great stuff. How do you do the time lapse videos? I'll be looking forward to seeing more of you stuff. Keep up the good work.
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