Target Repositioning A Boa?


Old Timer
Dec 19, 2004
Is anoyone formilyer with Target repositioning on large snakes Or even basic training , Is it true that you can train your snake to go to a set spot when its hungry ???

Comments=16/5/2005 8:51am
OMG A wild elephant has broken into my boa's enclosure and taken a number 2!

Shock horror..


Old Timer
Dec 4, 2004
I can't say I've heard of it, but... I know my snakes feeding schedule and when it's time to feed, I place it in a separate feeding tank. When they go into it, they seem to go into a " hunt " mode. More excited, reactive to all movement, etc. This helps reduce inadvertant bites by the snake associating reaching into its primary tank with food being given. It also has the benefit of keeping its enclosure cleaner of waste products created upon constriction of the prey in live feeds. I've never been struck by any of the snakes in their primary tank this way, I did however get ' nipped ' once by a mature Ball Python reaching near her feeding tank once, but that was my fault. I knew better and played the odds. I didn't role snake eyes, I got snake teeth. Luckily she immediately released and didn't lose any teeth in the process. Four very minor puntures to my hand was all.