Tarantula sp.reveiw


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
I have come up a crazy idea that I will probly be insalted for,made fun of,or regarded as a lunatic but I thought why not express my idea.I was thinking about creating a website or something reveiwing sp. of Ts.Reveiwing them like oh this a great T to have its beautiful and has great feeding response or its a beauty but makes me wonder why I bought it because I never see the darn thing etc. Just expressing my thoughts.


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
I don't really think you'd be insulted or made fun of, it is an interesting idea. However, just like with most other reviews it's all personal opinion. Things like feeding response would be pretty much the same, but if you're doing Brachypelma vagans for example, I've read that some people have ones that burrow, and others that don't. While I don't think that a T has a "personality" per se, I do think that each T has a bit of a different way of doing things depending on the way they're set up, the frequency of feeding, etc. So, in your review, it's probably be your best bet to also provide information on how you personally keep that individual tarantula. A perfect example of individuality is Pterinchilus murinus, some people keep them arboreal, some keep them terrestrial, and just as it shows in that thread that BrynWilliams started, they all do something a bit different.

You also have to take into account that some T's have different attitudes than others. Some people of crazy roseas, while others are teddy bears. Some people have OBTs that will throw up a threat as soon as you open the enclosure, but some, like ours, have never thrown up a threat display in our care.

It is a good idea, but there's a lot to take into account. It would be good for people who are kind of looking to see what the general temperament/behaviour of a T is, but you would definitely need to put a little blurb saying that obviously each T is different, and just because their T isn't acting the way your review says it does, doesn't mean that their T is sick/weird/whatever. Also, like I previously said, it would probably be beneficial to say in what kind of set up you keep that particular T in, because that does account for some differences in behaviour.



Old Timer
Sep 1, 2009
hah that would be awesome
if you had multiple reviews on a species
you can get a decent idea about the T
and it could have a rating like
79% fresh or something

like rate that T
and the ratings are based on X amount of users
and X amount of reviews

that would be awsoem!


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
Thanks for the awesome responses! I thought wrong and now I probly going to do the site! Iwas thinking doing multiple reveiws as well but really havent figured out the website layout yet I will let you know when I do and tell you when its running.This could really help people who thinking about buying a sp. but are not sure on there discion yet.Thanks!:D