Tarantula Post-Molt Standing on Joints


Mar 17, 2025
Species: Grammostola Pulchipres
Age: 1,5 years
Gender: Fem?

She has just molted around 48 hours ago, i gave her a full bowl of water (small and impossible to drown in) pre-molt. She made a web mat beside it, almost covering the lid of the bowl. I think she drank from her water bowl since the water has reduced, I'm not sure. I gave her a new bowl made of bottle caps, this is around 12 hrs ago and she hasn't touched it since. And 10 minutes before I'm writing this, I saw her basically in a 'death curl' because 2 of her legs is standing on the joints and not the toe pads. She looks pretty much like what's to be expected after a molt, she's very scared/panicky, and has a shriveled abdomen. When I slowly and carefully opened her enclosure, she became panicked and hid in a small spot.

She's not wobbly, she's pretty fast when scared, she has a small (shriveled?) abdomen, she's mostly motionless, though every 6 hrs she moves to a different but near spot than before.

Andrew Clayton

Active Member
Dec 19, 2018
Species: Grammostola Pulchipres
Age: 1,5 years
Gender: Fem?

She has just molted around 48 hours ago, i gave her a full bowl of water (small and impossible to drown in) pre-molt. She made a web mat beside it, almost covering the lid of the bowl. I think she drank from her water bowl since the water has reduced, I'm not sure. I gave her a new bowl made of bottle caps, this is around 12 hrs ago and she hasn't touched it since. And 10 minutes before I'm writing this, I saw her basically in a 'death curl' because 2 of her legs is standing on the joints and not the toe pads. She looks pretty much like what's to be expected after a molt, she's very scared/panicky, and has a shriveled abdomen. When I slowly and carefully opened her enclosure, she became panicked and hid in a small spot.

She's not wobbly, she's pretty fast when scared, she has a small (shriveled?) abdomen, she's mostly motionless, though every 6 hrs she moves to a different but near spot than before.
Need some photos


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
It’ probably just getting sorted out. Stretching, getting used to its new skin.

give it some time.

the webbed bowl dried out because the webbing wicked out all the water. If you keep adding water to it with the webbing there, it will keep webbing.

just keep that other bowl filled for now.