How big is your G. rosea?
Depending on the size of the T, it could be more than a week before they are eating again. Don't worry, give it a little more time and your T should get back into it's normal routine.
Disable the crickets...or you could give waxworms or mealworms. Whe I give mealworms, I usually crush the head so they cant burrow into the substrate. Good luck.
My rosie doesn't eat a month and a half before she molts, and doesn't eat after for 1 1/2-3 weeks. Don't be worried if she won't tackle a cricket just yet, I'm sure she's fine.
thanks for all your suggestions. My t ate a ckicket only before she ate the cricket I had found the cricket hanging upside down on the celing of her log using only a few feet and the rest of the feet were hanging limp from the cricket's body. I wasn't there to see the tarantula eat the cricket. Anyway I'm worried if the cricket was poisond by something other than t venom.
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