I had a Grammostola Pulchra, a small one, like 2 cm wide. Since i bought it passed a couple months without eating, i thought it was because of the winter. After that it molted, and then it ate a bug. The thing is that like 3 or 4 week after that it molted again, but when i looked it this morning, 5 days after the molt, i found it dead. looking closely, it looks collapsed, like the exoskelleton didn't harden. I don't know why this happened.
Could this be a "bad molt"? did i do something wrong?
Some more information: i had it in a square "tupper" about 8 cm on side, with mosquito net covering it, the soil was microwaved soil from mi lawn, it had a water dish i filled daily and the container was near a lamp for heating and inside a closet, with the door a little open.
Thanks in advance.
Could this be a "bad molt"? did i do something wrong?
Some more information: i had it in a square "tupper" about 8 cm on side, with mosquito net covering it, the soil was microwaved soil from mi lawn, it had a water dish i filled daily and the container was near a lamp for heating and inside a closet, with the door a little open.
Thanks in advance.